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Arthur Roberts' WWI Certificate of Employment, p.2"

Donibristle, Fife

17 October 1919

See 254.9 for the first page of the certificate and a resume of the text.


The end of the certificate states:

Notes:- The object of this certificate is to assist the airman in obtaining employment on his return to civilian life. The Form will be completed as soon as possible in accordance with Demobilisation Regulations, R.A.F. para. 1109.


As soon as signed and completed it will be given to the airman concerned and will remain his property. He should receive it as early as is compatible with making the necessary references, in order that he can either send it home or keep it in his possession.


One Form will be issued to each man and no duplicate can ever be issued.

Author: Anon


Year = 1919

Month = October

Day = 17

Document = Certificate

Work = Military

Extra = Military

Extra = WW1

Extra = 1910s

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