St John's Congregational Church
Manual 1950
Minister: Rev. Wynford S. Evans, B.A., B.D.
The Manse, Buckley
NB. Not reproduced from this pp.6 to11 - Financial accounts. The rest is reproduced below.
Dear Friends,
It is no easy task to preface this Manual without being acutely conscious of the fact that this is the last time that I shall do it. Here then, let me confess how much I have enjoyed penning these yearly letters, and how much I have been encouraged by the contents of the various Manuals from year to year.
To those who have been in vital touch with the week to week administration of the Church, the report is remarkable for its final shape. During the year the fellowship suffered, through death and removal, a loss which it had never experienced before. Not only some of our missing friends support our efforts with loyal service and devotion, they also sustained us with an exceedingly liberal level of giving. We are surprised therefore that the grand totals of income should have reached the figures which they have.
It must be remembered that the financial position of all Churches is being subjected at the present to a dual assault. In the first place, the increased cost of living is making money scarce, and in the second place the same living cost is forcing up salaries and wages. This tension is bound to snap the resources of our people unless we can evangelise; not that we should make more members merely to get more money, but rather to justify our present day set up. Our churches and ministry were intended for fairly large congregrations; strictly speaking, they are an arrangement which small congregations cannot afford. We must make our church therefore a home, a happy home for Christian converts; it can only be done if everything is subordinate to the welfare of the church.
In an important sense, this report will bear witness to our sense of vocation. Each member can see at a glance whether in all conscience, duty was manifestly done. Numbers which are secret are no camouflage against God and He who seeth in secret will reward openly either way.
To those called to a higher service, we but say, "Till we meet again." To those they leave behind, we pray God's comfort and consolation. To those who still work, we offer congratulations, and to those who see the gaps and fill them not, we cry " Now is the accepted time."
We offer our heartiest congratulations to those who were united in wedlock; and with those who brought their children to Christ we greatly rejoice.
There are many references to the year's work which of necessity I must leave. My purpose was merely to indicate some trends in this report. It is the first time for two names to appear here in important official capacities-so we welcome the great administrative abilities and integrities of Messrs. Edw. P. Davies and Joseph Shepherd.
Now throughout this coming year, hold fast to your heritage and I pray God will send you a messenger of His grace who will lead you to greater heights than your past has ever known.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all !
Yours in the bonds of the Gospel,
Ladies and Gentlemen
Owing to unforeseen circumstances I must apologise, in this my first report, for the lateness of the Manual.
The most active organisation in the church is the Women's League. During the course of the year, through their various activities, the church has been further beautified by the carpet for the pulpit and its surrounds, the fall and the organ curtain.
We miss the services of our previous Secretary, our senior deacon Mr. T. C. Jones, and our property overseer Mr. Thomas Edward Jones.
During the year we had the resignation of Mr. W. E. Price, the treasurer, and the popular appointment of Mr. Joseph Shepherd. The appointment of Mr. Henry Wood as precentor, his auspicious start, and subsequent disappearance, is just one of those happenings which seem to be too frequent in our midst.
The successful broadcast and the many country-wide congratulations our Pastor received, marked an important event in the history of the church.
We should rejoice in the appointment of Mr. William Williamson as lay pastor of Mynydd Isa, although we will miss his services at St. John's.
As Secretary, may I remind you we are pledged as Congregationalists to support the Forward Movement of our denomination?
The last but not least, is the impending departure of our Minister.
Mr. Evans has laboured much in our midst; he has endeared himself to most people who are not afraid to stand to the truth, and I am quite sure that as this parting now seems inevitable, we all wish him well in his new sphere.
The text for the sermon on the Sunday evening we heard of his resignation was "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" Can I ask with all humility, that in the coming months we should all ask this question, and be ready and prepared to do what we can to keep the church flag flying, particularly in the period when there is no pastor?
Thanking you for your assistance during the past year
Sincerely Yours
Edw. P. Davies
Sunday Services: J 0-30 a.m. and 6-30 p.m.
Sunday School: 2 30 p.m.
Monday: Prayer Meeting at 7-30 p.m.
Wednesday: Women's League at 7 p.m.
Thursday: Young People's Circle at 7.30 p.m.
First Sunday Evening of each month: Communion Service.
First Sunday in each month: Deacons' Prayer Meeting, 10 a.m.
Second Wednesday in each month: Deacon's Meeting.
Third Tuesday in each month: Church Meeting.
First Wednesday in each Quarter: Finance Committee.
Feb. 4th- Minister's Sixth Anniversary.
April 22nd- Foundation Day Services.
9.45 a.m. Service at Lamb's Cottage.
10.30 a.m. & 6-30 p.m.
Special Services: Dr. Elvet Lewis. M.A ., Penarth.
June Gift Sunday.
July Sunday School Anniversary.
August Special Preachers: Prof. T. Ellis Jones. Bangor;
Rev. Tecwyn Evans. M.A., Rhyl; Rev. T. Glyn Thomas.
Wrexham; Rev. T. Ifor Edwards. London.
September. Ladies' Sunday.
October. Harvest Festival.
Dec. 25th. Communion 8 a.m. Midnight Communion.
All Church business must be transacted through the Secretary. This includes arrangements for Christenings, Weddings and Funerals.
Application for loan of buildings or other properties to be submitted in writing. No Special Service or meeting of any nature, other than those ordinarily held, shall be definitely arranged before the Secretary is informed in writing and the necessary permission granted.
To facilitate the production of the Manual, all organisations are requested to elect their Officers for the ensuing year at their first meeting in December.
Secretaries and Treasurers are asked to submbit their reports to the Annual Church Meeting.
Tel. Mold 61
Weddings Caretaker 7/6. Organist. 7/6.
Burials. Minister 12/6; Organist 7/6; Caretaker 7/6.
Jan. 1st - John Stuart F ennah.
March 19th - Phillip Michael Kelsall.
April 2nd-Gareth Samuel Evans.
9th-David Owen Hughes.
9th-Stephen Kevyn Price.
9th-Peter James Griffiths.
14th-David Stuart Jones.
Sept. 17th -Derek Parry.
Nov. 19th-William K. Lloyd.
Dec. 17th-David Wilcock.
Feb. 25th-John Cadwaladr Ellis and Effie Gwyneth Taylor.
March 25th-Leslie Thomas Warner and Mary Eileen Cropper.
April 8th-Arthur Arrowsmith and Florence Edwards.
July 29th-Herbert Edge and Elizabeth Nora Beckett.
Sept. 16th-Horace Kendrick and Edith Lewis.
23rd-Kenneth Groves and Ruby Shepherd.
30th-Stephen Edward Weigh and Margaret Rowlands.
DEATHS, 1950
Feb. 24th-Mollie Jones, aged 74 years.
24th-James Williams, aged 74 years.
April 13th-John Hewitt, aged 90 years.
June -John Jones, aged 83 years.
25th-Elizabeth Griffiths, aged 80 years.
Sept. -Elizabeth Parry, aged 41 years.
Oct. -15th-EIizabeth Lewis, aged 85 years.
Nov. -John Jones, aged 86 years.
Dec. 22nd-Emily Tarran, aged 78 years.
Minister Rev Wynford S. Evans, B.A., B.D.
Secretary Mr. Edw.P. Davies, Llys Awel, Mold, Tel: 61
Treasurer Mr. Jos. Shepherd
Financial Secretary Mr H. Bellis
Caretaker Miss E. Shone
Property Overseer Mr. Peter Price
Organists Miss G. E. Griffiths, L.R.A.M.; Mr. A. Bellis, M.Sc. Mr. J. H. Bellis.
Mr. Fred Griffiths. Mrs. M. E. Cropper. Messrs. J. H. Bellis. E. Bolton. T. J. Evans. W. Peers. Peter Price. W. E. Price. John Shepherd. Jos: Shepherd, J. WiIliamson.
W. Williamson.
Honorary Deacon: Rev. Robert Shepherd, M.A.
Messrs. J.H. Bellis, E. Bolton, Fred Griffiths, W.E. Price, Jos. Shepherd,
J. Wainwright. W. Edwards. John Fox, John Shepherd, Edw. P. Davies, A. Bellis, E. Parry. T. Bellis.
Superintendent: Mr. Emrys Price.
Assist. Supt.: Mr. J. Shepherd.
Secretary: Mr. John Powell.
Assist. Secretary : Mr. Gwyn Roberts.
Treasurer: Miss Beryl Hughes.
I.B.R.A. Secretary : Miss R Luke.
President: Mrs. J. Shepherd.
Secretary: Mrs.J. H. Bellis.
Vice-President: Mrs. Parry.
Treasurer: Mrs. Wilcock.
Chairman: Miss Janet Powell.
Secretary: Mrs. Kelsall.
Treasurer: Mr. Newton Price.
Joint Secretaries: Mr Elvet Parry, Mr John Powell.
Author: Saint Johns Cong Church
Year = 1950
Building = Religious
Document = Ephemera
Extra = 1950s
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