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Aerial View of Bistre Emmanuel Church School"

Bistre Emmanuel Parish Church School, Mold Road, Buckley


Taken from the Bistre Emmanuel Parish Church Magazine January 1966

The retirement of T.V. Hughes, headmaster.




On Wednesday night, December 15th, the pupils of the school presented "A Christmas Carol" by the Infants and "The Road to Bethlehem" by the Juniors. The congregation, which was quite a large one, joined in the singing of appropriate carols. All the children did their work exceptionally well and the Staff deserves every praise for the way in which they trained the children.


On the last day of term the whole school, Managers and friends gathered together to make a presentation to Mr. T. V. Hughes, the Headmaster, who on that day was retiring from teaching. Members of the Staff, Managers and two or three friends all paid a fine tribute to the work done by Mr. Hughes during his thirty-one years at the School. From the Managers he received a silver cigarette case, and from the Staff, present and past pupils and friends, a beautiful record player. In giving thanks for these gifts Mr. Hughes expressed his deep gratitude to the Staff for their unfailing support .His final remarks were made to the children, and he ended by giving them a piece of most fitting advice - always keep on trying.


We all wish Mr. Hughes a long, healthy and happy retirement.


Author: Bistre Emmanuel Church


Year = 1975

Building = School

Landscape = Urban

Extra = 1970s

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