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Pottery Apple Money Box given to Margaret Roberts: possibly made at Powell's or Taylor's Pottery"


see 199.5 - 8 for all the images of this money box (sides, base and top)


This apple-shaped money box was given to Margaret Roberts as a child. It was definitely made in Buckley. She was born in 1870. Her parents lived in a cottage by the clay pit at Belmont where Belmont Crescent is now. They moved to Red Road where they opened a baker's shop and subsequently into another shop in Alltami Road. Both properties in March 2007 were in a derelict state.


Size of the money box:

11cm/8 ½" high

10cm/8" diameter

5cm/2" base


Author: Anon


Year = 1880

Object = Containers

Work = Light Industry

Extra = Pre 1900

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