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Advert in the Programme for the Buckley Amateur Pantomime Company's Production of Puss in Boots"

Dingle Mount, Bistre Avenue, Buckley

January 1938

In order to see all the entries for the 1938 Puss in Boots programme, under CAPTION enter "Puss in Boots" and under date enter " 1938". The main entry with cast details etc. is 139.129




Beauty begins with the Hair

you will be convinced of this

after a visit to

Winifred Williams,

Ladies' Hairdresser.

Modern Appliances used under

Hygenic Conditions

A "Wella" Perm is a

Perm done well.

"Wella" Permanent Waving

done by appointment

Dingle Mount,

Bistre Avenue, Buckley

Author: Anon


Year = 1938

Month = January

Building = Commercial

Document = Ephemera

Work = Shops

Extra = 1930s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society