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Joe Chesters looks pleased with his Lane End Brickworks Exhibition"

Library, The Precinct, Buckley

1 April 2006



The exhibition on Lane End Brickworks was in April 2006 and was formed of three elements.

  • Joe Chesters used to work at the brickworks when he was a teenager and it was known as Hancock's. Over the years he made a photographic record of the processes of brick making and some of these have been incorporated into a sequence to illustrate these processes.
  • The Buckley Society displayed images and information from their digital archive and magazine and some artefacts collected from the works at the time of closure. (see 3.358)
  • The Flintshire Museum Service displayed various artefacts from its collection.


Author: Anon


Year = 2006

Month = April

Day = 1

Building = Public

Event = Other

Gender = Male

People = Single

Work = Heavy Industry

Extra = 2000s

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