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Miss Sarah Jones' Passport: endorsement pages"

17 May 1916

Four of the six pages of endorsements are filled.



Travelling to France


Stamp - Foreign Office 17 May 1916


Stamp - Military Permit Office for Paris only. Not within the Zone of the Armies


Accompanying Mrs Harvey as personal maid


Stamp - Autorisation de debarquer a Havre

valable jusu'au 20 Mai 1916

pourse vendre a Paris

Motifs du voyage - accompagne sa maitress



Stamp - Vu au consulat general de France a Londres

Londres le 17 Mai 1916

Vu au Debarquement

Le Havre, le 18 ? 16



Permit Office Paris

Bearer is proceeding to

Liverpool in the United Kingdom

via Le Havre

Address: 34, Alexandra Drive, Liverpool

for purpose of returning home

23 Mai 1916


Military Visa Confirmed

British Vice Consul Paris



Vise a Paris

le 23 Mai 1916

pour Gde Bretagne

Pour le Prefet de ?

Le Chef du 4e Bureau de la 1ere Division


R.F. Prefecture de Police


Author: Foreign Office


Year = 1916

Month = May

Day = 17

Document = Genealogy

Gender = Female

People = Single

Work = Domestic

Extra = WW1

Extra = 1910s

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