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Advert (back page) in the Buckley Amateur Pantomime Company's Programme for 'Aladdin'"

Palace Cinema, Chester Road, Buckley

January 1934

In order to see all the entries for the 1934 Aladdin programme, under CAPTION enter "Aladdin" and under date enter " 1934". The main entry with cast details etc. is 139.44




Cropper & Sons, Lane End, Buckley

Printers, Newsagents, Booksellers, etc.

Have for disposal at reduced prices a large assortment of

Children's Reward Books

Suitable for School Prizes, etc.

Enquiries invited. Satisfaction guaranteed



The Palace Cinema

Perfectly projected and reproduced super programmes

Coming attractions include:

Sleepness Nights

Let me Explain Dear

For the Love of Mike

Letting in the Sunshine

King's Vacation - starring George Arliss

Sir Alan Cobham in The King's Cup

Tell me Tonight

42nd Street

Up for the Derby.. Sidney Howard

Yes Mr Brown etc. etc.


Popular Prices 5d. 8d. 1/-


Author: Buckley Amateur Pantomime Company


Year = 1934

Month = January

Building = Commercial

Document = Ephemera

Work = Shops

Extra = 1930s

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