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James Bentley's newly installed memorial plaques in the library"

Library, The Precinct, Buckley

November 2005



In mid 2005, The Buckley Town Council decided to arrange with the Library Service for a memorial plaque to be installed in the library at their expense in appreciation of his work carried out over many years to promote the heritage of Buckley. The Council approached the Buckley Society to suggest the wording (provided by Ken Lloyd Gruffydd and Carol Shone) and it was agreed that two A4 plaques, one in English and one in Welsh, should be produced. The plaques were made by Saddler's of Mold Road. The plaques were installed in Autumn 2005.


The town mayor, Howie Jones, unveiled the plaque in the presence of Mrs Margaret Bentley. Mrs Bentley was presented with a basket of flowers.


It was very difficult to get a good photo of the plaques without glare or reflections but this photo appropriately reflects one of his paintings on an adjoining wall.




In Memoriam

James Bentley, M.R.P.S.

1921 - 2004


By his unlimited enthusiasm and commitment he established the international significance of Buckley's clay industries through his pioneering archaeological discoveries and recorded and communicated Buckley's social heritage through his paintings, writings and other media.


Er Cof

James Bentley, M.P.S.

1921 - 2004

Trwy ei ymrwymiad brwdfrydig a diflino, a'i ddarganfyddiadau archaeolegol arloesol, sicrhaodd arwyddocad rhyngwladol i ddiwydiant clai Bwcle. Cofnododd a throglwyddol etifeddiaeth gymdeithasol Bwcle i'r byd trwy ei arlinio, yrgrifennu a chyfryngau eraill.


Author: Shone, Carol


Year = 2005

Month = November

Building = Public

Event = Historic

Gender = Male

People = Single

Extra = 2000s

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