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Margaret Coles on a recuperative holiday in the Isle of Man"

Isle of Man


See also 5.199

Mrs Margaret Coles (1865 - 1939 d. aged 74) had a milliner's shop at 76, Brunswick Road, later to be Dr Bradley's surgery. This photograph shows her taking a respite in the Isle of Man after the sudden death of her daughter, Marjorie (1909 - 1933).


She had four daughters: Polly, Beatrice, Bessie and Marjorie. Polly and Marjorie were local teachers. See the hot spots for school photos of Polly and Marjorie.


The Bistre Parish Magazine February 1933 states under Burials:

Jan 6th Ellaline Marjorie Coles, Daisy Hill Aged 24 years


Under Obituary:

It is with sincere regret that we record the death of Miss Marjorie Coles, which took place with tragic suddeness on Tuesday Jan 2nd. Miss Coles had been at Ewloe School where she was a teacher. She had hoped to return to her duties after the Christmas holidays. Her sudden death cast a gloom over the whole parish. She was a faithful member of the Parish Church, and up to a short time ago had taught in the Sunday School. The funeral took place on Friday Jan 6th, and was choral. We deeply sympathise with the family in their hour of trial, and pray that God will grant them heavenly comfort and consolation in their great sorrow, and strength to bear the burden laid upon them.

Author: Fox, W Neville


Year = 1933

Event = Leisure

Gender = Female

People = Single

Extra = Formal Portrait

Extra = 1930s

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