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Advertisements in the Souvenir Programme for a Grand Bazaar held at Saint Matthew's Schools"

6 June 1906

see 139.26 for COVER and details of entries on the archive




When Buying Remember Us

We stock what you want

Roberts' Drapers



Lane End, Buckley


Suits to order

Specialists in Felt Hats and Caps

Calicoes, Flannels, and Prints.

The Latest in Millinery


James Wright

Sanitary Plumber,

Gas, Steam amd Water Fitter

Lane End, Buckley


Baths, W.C.'s &c. fixed and repaired.

All kinds of Glass kept in stock

A Trial Solicited.


E. & E. Williams


Boot and Shoe Depot

Hosiery, Wools and Fancy Goods, &c.


Agents for the Celebrated Holdfast Boots and Shoes;

also for the Noted Globe Brand Boots and Shoes.

Every pair guaranteed.


Note theAddress....

High St., Buckley


(this was opposite the Police Station. Next door was George Metcalfe's electrical shop - it was a large shop with big windows)

Author: Hayes, Henry


Year = 1906

Month = June

Day = 6

Building = Commercial

Document = Ephemera

Work = Shops

Extra = 1900s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society