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Adverts (p.4) in the Buckley Amateur Pantomime Company's Programme for 'Aladdin'"

January 1934

In order to see all the entries for the 1934 Aladdin programme, under CAPTION enter "Aladdin" and under date enter " 1934". The main entry with cast details etc. is 139.44




The Magic of

Aladdin's Lamp

is only comparable to the brilliance

of Hyes Electric Lamps

Every lamp guaranteed

Sold exclusively to:

C. Wilcock

The Cross, Buckley


Mrs E. Peters

The Cross

Specialises in

Ladies and Children's

Outfitting and Hosiery

Club Cards taken


C. Kelsall

Gentlemen's Hosier,

Hatter, and Outfitter

Suits made to measure

Shirts, Collars, Caps, Ties

The Cross, Buckley

Author: Buckley Amateur Pantomime Company


Year = 1934

Month = January

Building = Commercial

Document = Ephemera

Work = Shops

Extra = 1930s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society