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Arthur Shone and his pony"


My father, Arthur Shone, bought this pony and kept it a farm at Alltami. He sent it away for summer grazing and it was stolen. He didn't buy another until I was born. I was two and couldn't yet walk when he bought me a donkey off Rhyl beach. It was brought home in a horse trailer. He kept a close eye on it but it had been weaned too early and died after a couple of weeks.


I have had horses ever since and show them on occasion. I won a third in the Flint and Denbigh Show in 1998 with a Welsh cob called Argoed Griffin. My father would sell the horses when I had schooled them and then bought me another, usually from Wrexham, from where I would ride it home (in 1950s). It would take me about two hours.

Author: Shone, Keith


Year = 1925

Gender = Male

People = Single

Extra = Animals

Extra = 1920s

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