The Buckley Society Logo

George Lewis' Diary: Part Five"

October 1952

The Buckley Society Magazine Issue Seventeen, Spring 1993



PART FIVE, 1945-54

Edited by J B Lewis



Jan 3 Thur Lord 'Haw-Haw' executed at 9 am at Wandsworth Prison [360]


Jan 8 TueAll persons over 70 years of age were entertained at the Albert Hall, Buckley. The 410 persons were given tea, tobacco and 5/- each


Mar 2 Sat County Council Elections; Ewloe Wood - Arthur Jones 597; Harold Stanley 369; Majority 228 [361]


Mar 9 Sat 30 spectators, including 2 women, were trampled to death at Burden Park, Bolton today in the worst football crowd tragedy in British History [362]


Mar 11 Mon The Buckley Amateur Pantomime opened. This week's takings amounted to £1,258.11.7d


Mar 27 Sat Urban and Rural Council Elections; Ewloe Wood - P Dunn 292; J Kelly 269; J Lewis 254; P Wilcock 228; H Stanley 205 [363]


Apr 27 SatAccording to an official announcement, the Hawarden Castle Estate of 5,000 acres of farms and woodlands is to be made over by the present Squire [364] to his younger brother Mr Charles A Gladstone [365]


May 8 Wed 'Retsel' won the Chester Cup


May 13 Mon They started to clear the ground in Nant Mawr to build 59 houses which will reach to the Main Street, Buckley. Shones, Knowl Lane, to be contractors for the Buckley Council in this, matter [366]


They started with mechanical excavators, to clear the ground to build a new Cement Works on Padeswood Hall land for the Tunnel Cement Co [[367]


May 15 Mon A Picclio, an Italian prisoner from Gibson's, came to bid me 'Goodbye' since 22 of them were going home from Liverpool next day [368]


May 22 Wed My son Eric landed at Liverpool from India [368]


May 27 Mon 100 German prisoners were brought to Gibson's Brickyard to work from Belgium, all in a very poor condition [370]


June 14 Fri Buckley celebrated Victory Day. Proceedings commenced on the Playing Fields with' a short service taken by Rev Robert Shepherd. The Peace Queen was Ruth Owen and was in a procession headed by the Band. Large bonfire at 10 pm on Knowl Hill with £30 worth of fireworks


I bought a gold watch from Merkel, Newcastle-on-Tyne for £12.0.0d


July 4 Thur The Sixth Annual Flintshire Art Exhibition in the Council Schools [371]


July 6 Sat All public houses in Buckley closed until 8 pm through a shortage of beer, because there is no grain to make it


July 20 Sat I went to Chester and could not buy a cake or a bun, none in the city (372)


July 21 SunBread rationing started; men allowed 15 oz per day, women and children 5 to 11 - 9 oz, 4 to 5 - 5oz [373]


July 27 Sat700 guests at the Welcome Home Fete given by the Castle Brick Works; tea, sports, and band in attendance for dancing


Sept 22 Sun The months of August and September have had continuous rain; the worst harvest that ever was known. Bread rationed, ½ pint of milk per day per person, ½ lb of sugar per week [a long list follows -Ed]


Sept 30 MonThe Committee of St Matthew's Welcome Home Fund entertained 147 ex-servicemen and women at the Memorial Institute, Church Road [374] and gave them £1 each


Oct 4 FriAll Old Age pensioners get 26/- for a man, 16/- for a woman; £2.2.0d for a couple


Oct 1 Tue List of the sentences given to the Germans convicted at Nuremberg


Progress has been made with the extension to the St Matthew's Churchyard; a trench has been cut about 2ft deep from the top to the bottom of the field [375]


Oct 16 Wed Bodies of the executed War Criminals buried secretly at sea


Oct 18 FriThere was a robbery at St Matthew's Church, a valuable stained glass window, given by the Rev D R Pelly to commemorate the birth of his son, Blake, was smashed and a carpet stolen [376]


A few days ago a stained glass window was smashed at St John's Church, Pentrobin [377]


Oct 19 SatThe Buckley and District Poultry Club held its second annual open show in the Institute [378]; 180 exhibits entered


Dec 21 Sat400 persons over, 70 in Buckley, received gifts of food from the Council Chambers, given by the Mayor of Melbourne and the people of Australia [379]




Jan 1 Wed Coal nationalised


Jan 7 Tue Third annual treat for 400 OAP's


Jan 31 Fri The 14th Pantomime held at Buckley for 8 nights


Feb 2 SunA very heavy fall of snow over half a yard deep; large drifts stopping all traffic and railways. No electric, no coal, no wood; works stopped and the aircraft dropping food to isolated villages


Feb 26 WedSnow every day since the 2nd February; snow 4 to 5 ft deep by Hawkesbury; no bus can get through


Mar 16 Sun A terrific gale and continual snow for 45 days, 1 cwt of coal per week


April 1 TueToday, by Act of Parliament, the school-leaving age is raised from 14 to 15 [381]


May 10 SatThe Chester Cup run for the first time on a Saturday; 'Asmodee', a French horse won


June 3 TueHawkesbury Broadcast; about 400 were present at the Albert Hall, Buckley [382]


June 5 Thurs The Castle Firm started to take the Mountain Colliery dirt heap away [383]. The dirt heap was about 17 yards high and covered about 2 acres of land, Charles Dolby lost a part of his thumb using the digger to start the work [384]


June 28 SatAt midnight a strike started in a large area of Flintshire in the Crosville Motor Services [385] following the strike of drivers and conductors at the Mold and Flint Depots on account of wages and hours


July 11 Fri The bus strike settled


The Liverpool Road War shelters taken down [386]


July 28 MonI was going to Manchester with H Shone and we got onto the wrong train and went to London [387]


Aug 15 Fri The Indian Empire ceased to exist


Sept 13 SatThe Official Opening of Hawkesbury Hall by Mr Wilfred Shone [389]; the Presidential Address was given by Mr P A Lewis, MA


Sept 21 Sun The consecration of the new burial ground at St Matthew's Church by the Bishop of St Asaph [390]

in the afternoon, and in the evening the dedication of the new lighting system


Sept 30 Tue I bought a new diary for 35/-


Sept 21 Sun The new Angling Association went to Whiteweir, Shropshire [391] and caught pike and put them into the clayhole at Ewloe Place


Nov 8 SatI received my old-age tobacco coupons


Nov 12 WedBeer 1/- per pint; a bottle of stout 1/1~d


Nov 16 SunThe first snow this winter


Nov 18 TueThe Golden Jubilee of the Buckley Urban District Council was celebrated in the Council Chambers. There was an attendance of about 70, and a presentation of a cheque and illuminated address to Dr Fraser, for his 50 years' service to the Council [392]


Dec 2 TueI have rewritten this diary from my old damaged diary, at the age of 70 [393]


Dec 13 SatLord Baldwin, the late PM, died at his home, Astley Hall, Stourport-on-Severn, aged 80 [394]


Dec 20 Sat1300 children up to the age of 14, being the sons, daughters, brothers and sisters of the employees at the Broughton Factory of Messrs Vickers Armstrong Ltd. were the guests at a Christmas Party, held in the Factory Canteen. There were 400 adults present and the guests had a tea, Christmas Cake and there was a 20 ft high Christmas Tree




Jan 1 Thur The first day of Railway Nationalisation


Jan 6 Tue The first time I attended the OAP treat at the Albert Hall, Buckley. Bus service for all; knife and fork tea and concert, 250 present at this 5th treat


Jan 30 FriGhandi shot dead


Feb 10 TueThe Deputy Chief Constable, Supt J W Edwards, presented the Certificates of the Royal Humane Society to Mrs Joy and to her brother, Mr Albert Lewis [395].

[A long list of comparative food prices 1921/1948 follows compiled by Dr Edith Summerskill - an average weekly family bill for 1921 was £1. 9.6d and the same articles in 1948 cost £1.2.5½ d - Ed]


Feb 15 SunA male baby, about a week old, was found on a footpath at Ball's Barn [396], about 50 yards from the railway bridge, with a strap tied round its neck


Members of the Angling Club went to Welshpool and brought back pike and perch and put them into the Ewloe Place Clayhole


Mar 5 Fri The Pantomime held at Buckley for 8 nights and made £2,360


Mar 14 Sun The Angling Association went to Montgomery and brought pike back and put them into the Ewloe Place Clayhole


Mar 22 MonGifts of parcels from overseas, accepted by Princess Elizabeth as a Wedding Gift, for distribution among the aged, have been received at Buckley by three OAP's, with a personal message; the recipients are: Mrs M A Fletcher, Padeswood Road, aged 87; Mr Joseph Davies, 17 Chester Road, aged 83; Mr Arthur Griffiths, Ewloe Place, aged 80. Mrs M A Fletcher knitted over 300 pairs of socks and scarves for soldiers during the War [397]


Mar 31 WedNationalisation of Electricity


April 13 TueThe first kiln of mugs was burnt at Lamb's Pottery [398], Buckley for 5 years, ie, since the beginning of the War


April 15 Thur The death penalty for murder suspended for 5 years by 245 to 222 votes; greeted by violent cheering in the Commons


April 30 SatVicker's Armstrong have vacated the Broughton Factory in favour of the De Havilland Aircraft Co


May 17 MonThe kiln of mugs burnt at Lamb's Pottery was drawn, but George Lamb was only allowed to sell them at the Government Controlled price [399]


June 1 TueMr Vincent Kelly started to keep the Liverpool Road Post Office [1100]


In cutting the drain from the Main Road to the Liverpool Post Office a coin was found 2ft 6" down, being a half penny of George III dated 1806 [401]


June 12 SatBuckley Amateur Pantomime Co have announced the gift of £2,100 to the Hawkesbury Community Centre for capital development [1102], other donations are: £100 to the OAP's Christmas Party, £30 to the British Legion and £10 each to the Ex-Servicemen's Institute and the SSAFA


June 19 SatDistribution of Dominion food gifts in Buckley


Jun 24 Thur The Flintshire Education Committee held their 8th Annual Art


Jun 25 FriExhibition at Hawkesbury, Buckley [403]


Jun 28 monLiverpool and London Dock Strike


Jul 13 Tue91st Buckley Jubilee Procession [begun 1857]


Jul 24 Sat The Buckley Labour Party held its first rally on the football field. The procession started from the Knowl Lane, headed by the Connah's Quay Bank with Morris Dancers; the Labour Queen was Miss Glenda Bartley


Jul 25 SunBread and flour rationing came to an end with the restrictions on serving bread in restaurants [404]


Jul 28 WedThe temperature was 94 degrees today


Jul 31 Sat A heavy storm with thunder and lightning - one of the worst ever known - It killed a cow of Mr Edwards [405], Meg's Lane, Buckley, and did a lot of damage to property


Aug 3 TueI had my eyes tested at Harrop's Buckley [406]


Aug 9 MonEnd of need for coupons for footwear, etc


Aug 14 FriA very bad, wet harvest


Aug 28 SatFlintshire's first Labour Queen, 14 year old Gwenda Bartley, of Buckley, was crowned at St Asaph [407]


Aug 2 MonI had 2 pairs of spectacles of Harrop, Lane End, from the National Health Service, free [408]


Oct 16 SatI paid H Fennah £2.19.6d for a slop stone for the old house [409]


Oct 25 MonA start made today on the field between Hawkesbury and the Mill to make a recreation ground [410]


Oct 26 TueHenrietta, Lady Davies, widow of the 1st Baron Davies of Llandinam [411], collapsed while opening the new Nurses' Home at Meadowslea, Penyffordd [412], and died on Wednesday, 27 October


Nov 2 Tue A infant child was the first to be interred in the new plot of land added to St Matthew's Churchyard [413]


Nov 15 Mon Prince Charles born


Nov 20 Sat Miss Isabella Shepherd, Britain's oldest inhabitant, died at St Asaph Hospital, aged 115 years. She was born in London in the reign of William IV [414]


Dec 31 Fri First snow this winter





Jan 11 Tue 6th OAP treat in the Albert Hall, Buckley


Feb 4 Fri 15 licensed houses owned by Fox and Co. Castle Hill Brewery, Ewloe, have been purchased by Burtonwood Brewery and Co, Warrington. The Castle Hill Brewery was established in 1840, and it employs 14 men, the houses are all within a 10 mile radius of the Brewery [415]


Feb 7 Mon At the Mold Licensing Session, William A Beavan, Licensee of the Rose and Crown Beer House, Buckley, applied for a full license in respect of his premises. There was no opposition [416]


Mar 1 Mon A 21 year old girl, Maglona Jenkin Jones, was found shot dead last night on Moel Fammau. William Jackson, aged 38, of Kidderminster, Worcestershire, appeared today at Ruthin, charged with the murder [Jackson sentenced to death at Ruthin May 23; his victim came from Parc Farm, Gwernaffield - Ed]


February broke the all-time sunshine record for that month; London had 106 hours


The 16th Annual Pantomime in Buckley; Mr Dennis Griffiths was the script-writer and producer [417]


Mar 31 Thur Dr David Fraser [418], who has been MOH for the Urban District of Buckley for 51 years, relinquishes his post, and a new order of things came into being under the scheme for a full-time medical officer


April 4 Mon The Atlantic Pact signed


The Centenary of the St Matthew's Schools, Buckley [419]


April 9 WedFlintshire County Elections; Buckley No 1 E Humphries Lab 896; H R Higgins Lib 678 [maj 218); Buckley No 2 D Griffiths Lib 842, W J Inch 574 [maj 268]; Buckley No 3 A Jones Lab 673, T Hibbert Lib 463 [maj 210] [410]


May 5 Thur This afternoon there was a Centenary Thanksgiving Service at St Matthew's Church, Buckley to celebrate the Centenary of the Church Schools. The vicar [411] officiated and there was a large congregation present including a full turn-out of the scholars and staff; the Bishop [412] gave the Address and tea was provided afterwards in the Schools


May 7 Wed'John Moore' ridden by Carson [413] won the Chester cup at 25 to 1


June 2 ThurAt a meeting of the Buckley Amateur Pantomime Co held today, it was decided to allocate a total sum of £1500 from the profits of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' as follows; Ex-Servicemen's Institute £10, British Legion Benevolent Fund £30, OAP Outing £40, Buckley Young People's Cultural Association £1,070, Buckley Garden of Remembrance £250. The sum voted to the Garden of Remembrance is the first gift to a scheme, which will provide a Civic Memorial to the Buckley men who died in the two World Wars, Hawkesbury Community Centre are giving a plot of land for the Garden of Remembrance [414]


June 28 Thur A free outing for 298 OAP's [300 in all] given by the Buckley OAP Committee, starting at the Common at 1.30 pm over the Llandegla Moors to the Swallow Falls, then to Rhyl for tea and returned home at 8 o'clock [425]


July 28 Thur The bell and circular bell-loft were taken down from St Matthew's Schools, Buckley [426]


Aug 1 Mon The National Eisteddfod was held at Dolgellau this week, Hawarden Grammar School won 2 prizes


Sept 5 WedThe 9ft wall near the old tower at Hawkesbury [427] knocked down by tractor to build a tennis court


Sept 14 WedAt the Council Chambers, Buckley, Dr David Fraser [428] was presented with a cheque for £300 and an electric clock by Mr Edwin Humphries [429] upon his retirement after 52 years' service in Buckley


Sept 28 WedThe Rev W J Rees [430], Vicar of St Matthew's Church, Buckley, ended his ministry at the Harvest Festival and went to Welshpool. The Vicar's Warden, Mr A Hewitt, made the presentation of a cheque on behalf of the Church and the Ladies' Guild, in the Schoolroom. The vicarage Garden had been neglected and 12 young men from the Church began on 5 Oct to cut thorns, biers and trees, to make it look better for the next Vicar


Nov 12 SatHopwood's Drift, near Castle Firebrick Works, Buckley, finished winding coal [431]


Nov 19 Sat23 people, including a number of children, were injured, when a fire engine crashed into Woolworth's Stores, Eastgate Street, Chester


Nov 22 TueThe Induction and Institution of the Rev John Thomas James [432] at St Matthew's Church, Buckley by the Bishop of St Asaph. A large congregation


Nov 25 FriLlay Hall Colliery finished winding coal today after working for 70 years [433]


Dec 2 FriF Morrey and Sons, Kelsall, Nr Chester, planted trees and shrubs around Hawkesbury Recreation Ground; the tennis court was pitched [434]


Dec 15 Thur Buckley pensioners received food parcels from Australia


Dec 17 satI joined the Shepherd's Club, Mountain Lodge [435] in June 1898 and I paid my last contribution tonight. It has been turned over into the Surplus Account System and those in it over 65 will draw out money according to the number of years they have been in it and the amount they have had out. My sum will be £31.12.6d [He received the cheque April 3 - Ed]




Jan 10 Tue7th Annual Treat for the Buckley OAP's; Mr Bennett, Ewloe Green, aged 93, sang twice; 268 had tea and 5/-and the tobacco given was the first grown in Buckley by Mr Fred Thompson [436]


Jan 2 MonThe first laundry and dry cleaning service started today at Powell's Pottery, Buckley [437] under the name of The Green Meadow Laundry Ltd


Jan 13 ThurA start made today to make the new road by Hawkesbury to build a new school [438]. A bulldozer and lorries moved the soil from the field


Jan 30First snow this winter and very cold


Feb 23Eirene White [Lab] majority 6,697 and Nigel Birch [Con] majority 6,719 elected to Parliament for East and West Flintshire respectively [439]


Feb 2817th Buckley Pantomime opened [Ali Baba]. Gross receipts were £2,645.15. 0d and 14,737 people saw the show [Net profit £1,562.8. 10d; after bequests, balance of £12.8.l0d carried forward (May 19) - Ed]


March 25 SatI had my watch cleaned for 12/6 by G Bawdier, Mill Lane, Buckley [440]


Apr 6 Thur I had 11 teeth extracted by Mr Cary Davies, Lane End, Buckley [441]


Apr 8 Easter Sat Weather extremely bad. Hawkesbury Tennis Courts opened. Theywere built by En-Tout-Cas and cost well over £1,000 [442]


Apr 29The Buckley Wanderers Football Team won the Welsh League Cup played at Wrexham Racecourse [443]


May 3-6First time Chester Races have been held for four days [444]


June 22 Thur300 Buckley OAP's travelled in 11 motor coaches to Rhyl for their second outing; free food provided at Rhyl


June 28 WedSt Matthew's Garden Fete realised £220


June 29 ThurFlintshire Art Exhibition held at Hawkesbury


Aug 9 WedA new road begun by the Old Ewloe Brick Works [445] from St Matthew's Churchyard corner to the powder magazine to replace the road past the 'Wheat Sheaf'


Aug 15 TuePrincess Anne born


Aug 26 satThe Wanderers played their first game of football on the new ground at Hawkesbury [446]


Sept 2 SatA very bad harvest; the wettest August for 15 years; corn gone black in the fields


Sept 1 FriPeter Fox, aged 16, 76 Mold Road, Buckley, won the Dee Mile

Championship Cup, from the White House Hotel to the Suspension

Bridge, Chester, in 21 mins 45 seconds, beating the record [447]


Oct 1 Sun Hawarden Wakes Sunday [448]; St Matthew's Harvest Thanksgiving


Oct 23 MonHarvest Home was held at Hawkesbury Hall by the OAP Committee, realising £38. The Rector of Hope, Rev Edward Hughes, officiated [449]


Nov 2 ThurGeorge Bernard Shaw died aged 94


Nov 5 SunThe Sunday Morning Service held at 9.30 am at St John's Congregational Chapel, Buckley, was broadcast on the London Home Service. The Rev Wynford S Evans was the preacher [450]


Nov 27 MonA quarter peal of Stedman Triples was rung at St Matthew's Church. Buckley, in honour of Mr Hayes Jones' 90th Birthday. He was sexton and parish clerk [451]


Dec 17Snow for five days 1 ft deep

[A long table of the main changes in the meat ration follows]


Dec 25 MonSnow and extreme cold, no electric light on until 9 pm; Christmas night with candles





Jan 1 MonDeep snow lasting until Jan 5


Jan 9 Tue8th OAP treat at the Albert Hall. The first time a mother and daughter have attended [452]. 200 attended, but there are 480 over 70 in Buckley


Jan 13 SatTerrible 'flu epidemic; in Liverpool 3000 deaths in 12 days; in Newcastle 225 in a week; in St Helens 200 in a week. Gravediggers on Merseyside are working all through the night, by the light of acetylene lamps, to keep pace with the mounting death toll


Jan 17 WedA live bomb shell, or other military missile, went into the No 2 Furnace in the charge at Hawarden Bridge Steelworks, Shotton, and caused a violent explosion, which injured 3 men - the worst in the history of the firm


Jan 21 SunThe cost of the 'flu epidemic; £3 million per week or 12/- per head; over 2 million people are ill today


Feb 1 Thur6,310 poultry killed in Northants and Norfolk because of foul pest


Feb 8 WedSteel Nationalisation went through the House with a majority of 10 [453]


Feb 26 MonThousands have visited the 18th Annual Pantomime in Buckley; it realised a record gross receipt of £3,100; the Pantomime Dance was held in the Albert Hall


Mar 23 FriIt has been raining for weeks


Mar 24 Sat Because the Oxford boat sank just over 3 mins after the start the race was declared 'No race' today [454]


Mar 26 MonThe University Boat Race was won by Cambridge today in 20 mins 50 secs, beating Oxford by 12 lengths


April 8 SunThe Census


April 29 SunRev Wynford S Evans ended his ministry at the Buckley Congregational Church [455]


May 3 WedFestival of Britain opened by the King in St Paul's


JuneBy the Will of the late Mr J W Simmons a sum of £1,500 has been left to the Representative Body of the Church in Wales, upon trust, and the income to be used for church purposes in the Parish of Buckley. After a similar bequest to Bistre Church, the residue of the estate is left to the Diocese of St Asaph [456]


June 14-15The 11th Annual Flintshire Art Exhibition was held at Hawkesbury


June 28 Thur300 Buckley OAP's held their annual trip to Llandudno; a ½ hour stop at Bodelwyddan Church and a Civic Reception by the Mayor of Llandudno, Mr Griffith Roberts, JP; a welcome party at Payne's Cafe; the cost of the outing was £150


July 10 A wet Jubilee


July 28 SatThe 6th Annual Sports and Fete held at the Castle Brick Works, 12 who had completed 50 years service with the firm were presented with a gold watch and chain, valued at £50 each, 600 sat down to tea provided by the firm. T J Davison has worked for 65 years with the firm and is still working [457]


Aug 18 SatThe barber's prices in Buckley today; hair cut 1/3d, shave 6d, child's hair cut ld, shampoo 1/-; eggs 4/6 per doz from tomorrow


Sept 9 SunAt 3 pm hundreds attended the dedication service of the Buckley Garden of Remembrance at Hawkesbury. The Garden will commemorate those who fell in the two World Wars - 163 men in all. The Rt Hon Lord Kenyon, DL, JP [458] unveiled the cenotaph in the Garden and the service was conducted by the Bishop of St Asaph [459]. The salute was taken by Brigadier H S K Mainwaring, CB, Lord Lieutenant of Flintshire [460]. The Band of the 4th Btn RWF, TA, by kind permission of Lt Col L H Yates, was in attendance. The Lesson at the service was read by the Rev A E Newman [461] and the buglers of the 4th Btn RWF sounded The Last Post.


Sept 18 Tue A wet and cold harvest-time


Sept 27 ThurThe first Buckley Chamber of Trade Fair held at Hawkesbury Hall. Nearly 4,000 people visited the Fair. There were 12 stand-holders and the first television I have ever seen [462]


Oct 17 WedMore than 30 tons of hay and straw were destroyed by fire which broke out at Drury Farm [463], Buckley, today


Oct 19 FriBritain sealed off the Suez Canal Zone today


Oct 25 ThurAt the eve of election meeting held at the Council Schools [464], Councillor Arthur Jones handed over £100 towards the Labour candidates' expenses [E White and D V Leadbeater], Mr Huw T Edwards [465] received the gift on behalf of the East Flintshire Labour Party


Dec 28 FriStorm gusts of 93 mph at The Lizard


Dec 31 MonCoal is 4/l0d per cwt in Buckley





Jan 1 Tue First snow this winter


Jan 8 9th CAP treat for 300 at the Albert Hall


Jan 10 The sea disaster of the Flying Enterprise [Capt Kurt Carlsen]


Feb 5 TueHerbert Roy Harris of Flint sentenced to death for murdering his wife with a 501b stone [466] [Executed at Strangeways Feb 26 by Pierpoint] [Long account of the death of King George VI follows - Ed]


Feb 17 SunA memorial parade headed by the Band attended St Matthew's Church in honour of the late King


Feb 11 MonToday men started with a bulldozer to fill the Willow Pits and the Oak Pits in for the Castle Firm [467]


Feb 13 WedInduction of the Rev E Wyn Parry [468] as Minister at the Congregational Chapel, Buckley by the Rev J Penry Thomas, Ex-Moderator for Wales [489]


Mar 3 Mon20th Buckley Pantomime opens - Aladdin


Mar 15 SatThe Rev D Saunders Rees, Rector of Hawarden [470] died today, aged 71. He was interred at Hawarden


Apr 25 ThurBuckley Wanderers won the Cup at Wrexham Racecourse


May 10 SatJ Lewis [Lab] won the Ewloe Wood Ward UDC Election with 293 votes [more details given - Ed]


May 17 SatH Bartley came to live in the old house, No 7 Higher Common [471]


June 7 Sat£1,300 profits from the Pantomime allocated to charities


June 26 Thur300 Buckley OAP's taken to Llandudno in 10 coaches; cost £170


July 26 sat250 children given presents at the Castle Fire Brick Works Fete and Sports, opened by Lady Summers [472]


Aug 2 SatThe St Matthew's Church Bell Ringers celebrated the Jubilee of the Bells, which were dedicated by the Bishop of St Asaph on July 23 1902 [473]. The Resident Master and Bellringers had previously sent out invitations to all past ringers and their wives to attend the celebration. Some 60 ringers and their wives sat down to tea and the celebrations began with ringing from 2 to 4 pm


Aug 9 SatBuckley OAP Committee held their first Field Day at Hawkesbury, with the crowing of the OAP Queen, Mrs Elizabeth Shone of Padeswood Road


Aug 10 SunThe Sunday Half Hour Programme of Community Hymn Singing on the Light Programme came from the Tabernacle Methodist Chapel, Buckley. It was led by the combined choirs of' the town under the direction of Mr Tom Roberts [474], the organist of the church; his place at the organ was taken by Mr Arthur Bellis [475].


Aug 16 SatThe Lynton and Lynmouth Disaster


Aug 22 Fri The old bell tower at Hawkesbury, in front of the new school, [476] was demolished today. It was between 5 and 6 yards high and was built in the early years of the last century, by Jonathan Catherall [477]. It used to be rung to summon people to a service held in the dining room of his house, Hawkesbury. When it was built Non-Conformists were not allowed to build a tower on their chapels. The bell was bought by Jonathan Catherall from Cork for £12. The Hawkesbury Community Centre Committee preferred not to demolish the tower, but the Flintshire Education Committee insisted because of the building of the new school. They are going to put a plaque on the wall where the tower stood [478].


Aug 30 SatA sports and gala organised by the Royal Buckley Town Band today held on the Main Street Football Ground - an outstanding success. The effort was one of many held to help purchase new uniforms for the Band, which has had a proud record stretching over 170 years. 22 teams of Morris Dancers, headed by the Band, proceeded from the Lane End Cricket Ground to Stanley Road. Five tug-of-war teams competed for the Band Challenge Cup which is to be held for 12 months. The winners of the Morris Dancing was Merry Millers, of St Helen's; the winners of the tug-of-war, De Havillands [479]


Sept 13 Fri A great shortage of water in Flintshire at this time


Sept 2 Annual Trade Fair held at Hawkesbury


Oct 20 Mon I was at the stone laying ceremony of the new Secondary Modern School, Buckley, called 'Elfed' after the Welsh Poet and Preacher, by Alderman W J Hodgson, JP, former Chairman of the Flintshire Education Committee. Contractors were Shones of Buckley, who made the 3 million bricks; cost £190,502 [A long account follows - Ed] [480]


Nov 9 SunRemembrance Day; a parade in Buckley from the Institute [480] to the Hawkesbury Cenotaph with the Band


Nov 21 FriFirst snow this winter


Dec 4 Thur44k outbreaks of foul pest in 17 counties





Jan 7 Wed10th OAP treat for 300 over 70 and some over 90


Feb 6 FriCastle Fire Brick Works took the last load today from the Mountain Dirt Heap and the digger left on Man, Feb 9th


[The Diarist's entries become increasingly general, ie, extra-Buckley, at this point - they will be omitted - Ed]


Feb 26 ThurThe Buckley Council started last week to make a public garden in the Lane End in front of the Crown Vaults for the Coronation. The cost of the land was £280, the work being done by volunteer labour. It has been decided that public subscription should pay for the lay-out. A mechanical digger and lorries engaged in the work of clearing the site are being lent, free of charge, by the Castle Fire Brick Co Ltd, as their contribution. Through the kindness of Mrs Ephraim Jones [482], the Council has already secured seats for the garden. Local workmen are giving free service. Supervising the work is Mr Wilfred Shone [483], a local contractor, assisted by two other firms, Messrs Brimblecombe [484] and Fennah and Kelly [485]


Mar 2 MonThe Castle Firm started today to take the Jump Colliery [486] Dirt Heap away at Padeswood Colliery


21st Buckley Pantomime 'Dick Whittington'


Mar 15 SunRevs J T James, J Williams and N S Baden Powell [487] dedicated the window in St Matthew's Church, Buckley to the fallen of the two World Wars [unveiled by Mrs J Johnson, niece of the donor, the late Mrs Dutton, Liverpool Road], and the new British Legion Standard. Window designed by Mr H J Stammers, York [488]


Mar 18 WedAt 7 o'clock an exhibition was held at Hawkesbury Community Centre of specimens of pottery made in Buckley over the centuries. It was collected together by the members of the Buckley Historical Association. Mr Gladstone, Hawarden Castle [489], sent a tea-pot which would hold 100 cups of tea; there was pottery which was found in a well in Gibson's Clayhole [490], which must have been there for 200 years. John Hughes, one-time potter in Buckley, exhibited a beautiful basket which he made in Yorkshire.


Apr 17 FriWork began on the restoration of Mold Parish Church [491]


Apr 29 WedVisit of H R H The Duke of Edinburgh to Hawarden Bridge Steelworks [long account] [492]


May 1 Fri1,700 Summers'staff and their wives entertained to supper and shown over the £17 million developments at the works


May 2 Sat5-6 thousand Summers' employees and their wives entertained to tea and shown the developments opened by the Duke


May 23 SatA few statistics about Buckley at the present time; Buckley Cross stands at 509 ft above sea level; area 2,677 acres; population at 1951 Census 7,699 persons; total no of houses 2,162; houses owned by UDC 423; Rateable Value £3,512; sum represented by 1d rate [Mar 1953] £120


May 25 Whit MonThe Royal Buckley Town Band wore their new uniforms today for the first time, at Hawarden Park, 27 uniforms including 7 for boys, cost £456 [493]


May 30 SatThe Coronation Garden in the Lane End, Buckley, was opened today by Mrs Rene Wilcock, who cut the red, white and blue ribbon. The Garden was designed by Mr W E Roberts, Padeswood Road, aided by Mr E Watkin, Council Surveyor, Mr Charles Wilcock, former Chairman of the UDC, initiated the making of the Garden. It was completed by voluntary labour. After the opening ceremony, Mr and Mrs Wilcock were presented with a silver vase by Mr Tarran, on behalf of the Members and Officials of the UDC. The Band attended, in their new uniforms and a short service was conducted by the Revs Frederick Davies, J T James and E Wyn Parry. The Garden measures a quarter of an acre and 1,000 tons of top soil was added free of charge. A few days before Coronation Day nearly 2000 red, white and blue flowers were planted in the Garden. Mr R Messham was the Secretary to the project and the Heads of the Buckley Schools have promised that the children will donate 450 rose trees to the Garden in the Autumn. Donors to the Garden were - Tunnel Cement; Mrs Cropper; General Refractories [Standard]; Northgate Brewery; Walkers Brewery; Yates Brewery; Castle Fire Brick Co Ltd; Buckley Co-op Society; Lloyd's Bank; Midland Bank; W Hancock and Co. Mr Wilf Shone supervised the work and gave the stone [494]


June 2 TueThe Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II


Events in Buckley this week. The streets were decorated and prizes were given for the best dressed shops and cottages which were illuminated; at a quarter to 11 all we OAP's were invited to the Albert Hall to watch the Coronation on the television with refreshments provided free by Mr Charles Wilcock. It was a pity to see the rain pouring down on the people in London but we saw Queen Salote of Tonga, in an open carriage, with the rain pouring on her. She is 6 ft tall and weighs 20 stones, there was a concert for OAP's in St John's Chapel Schoolroom on Wed; there was a concert in a large tent at Hawkesbury on Thur; there was a Boxing Tournament on Friday at Hawkesbury with 9 contests organised by the Royal Pioneer Corps Depot and Training Centre; there were two turnouts [processions - Ed], one on Tue from the Common and one on Sat from Liverpool Road, with prizes


June 10 Wed340 Buckley OAP's over 70 went to Southport in 11 coaches


June 13 Sat Profit for Buckley Pantomime 'Dick Whittington' was £2,002.08.0d; they have allocated gifts of £1,900 including providing Coronation Beakers for 2000 children in the town under 15 and a New Testament to all the children under 5, as well as giving £50 to Mold Cottage Hospital towards the cost of a television


July 11 SatHawkesbury Garden Fete Procession from the Lane End to Hawkesbury, followed by the official opening of the new bowling green by Mr Dennis Griffiths, who after a short address bowled the first wood


Aug 2 SunDr Elfed Lewis preached at St John's Congregational Church, his last sermon, where he preached his first [495]


Aug 23 SunCanon A W Rees, Vicar of Bistre, died today in Chester Infirmary aged 73; he was cremated at Landican on August 26th [496]


Sept 20 SunIn connection with the Old People's week throughout Wales, between 60 and 70 OAP's headed by the Band paraded from the Council chambers to St John's Congregational Chapel for a special service


Nov 7 SatThe Rev John Roberts, BA [497], rector for the past eleven years, of Llanfair ME, Benllech, Anglesey, has been appointed Vicar of Bistre Church, Buckley. The new Vicar, who is 45, is a native of Rhosgadfan, Caerns [Long account of the Royal Tour follows]


Dec 10 ThurDr Elvet Lewis, CH, died at home in Penarth, aged 93


Dec 11 FriThe following have been appointed governors of the new Elfed Secondary Modern School, Buckley; Mr Dennis Griffiths [Chairman], Mr Edwin Humphries [Vice-Chairman], Ald W J Hodgson, Ald T E D Hibbert, Messrs E A Hall, William Hughes, A Jones, Charles Wilcock, Eric Tarran, E G Roberts, J 0 Parsonage, S T Ithell and Miss Florrie Jones [498]


Dec 11 FriRev John Roberts was inducted as Vicar of Bistre


Dec 25 FriA Christmas Tree about 7 yards high and lit by electricity was erected near Liverpool Road Crossroads. The Drury Choir sang under it on New tear's Eve


Dec 30 WedAt the St Matthew's Church Annual Social a gold watch was presented to Mr Joseph Edward Ellis in appreciation of his service as Parish Clerk and sexton for 23 years from 1930-53




Jan 5 Tue Over 400 scholars started today at the Elfed School, Buckley. Mr Leslie Mothersole is the Headmaster and he has 15 Staff


Jan 6 11th Annual OAP treat at the Albert Hall


Jan 13 WedThe first snow this winter; very warm and mild until now


Feb 27 SatLetter received in Buckley;

"The Chapter Office, The Sanctuary, Westminster Abbey, London SW1

To the Chairman UDC of Buckley

Dear Sir, I write in the name of the Dean and Chapter, to thank you for the generous donation of £30.11.l0d, sent by the people of Buckley to the Abbey Restoration Fund in response to your Appeal

Yours, etc, Adam Fox [Archdeacon of Westminster [599]."


Mar 3 WedThe 22nd Buckley Pantomime opened tonight for 2 weeks and 3 days Babes in the Wood


Apr 7 WedThe Flintshire Education Committee at Mold today appointed Mr William Leslie Rowlands of Ty Olaf, Liverpool Road, Buckley [500] as Headmaster of Buckley CP School


Apr 18 EasterThe bells of St Matthew's were rung this morning, after being under repair for two months, by Messrs John Taylor and Co, Loughborough, at a cost of £150 [501]


Apr 24 SatNet receipts from Babes in the Wood [Buckley Pantomime] were £2,061.6.6d.


Apr 30The first rain since April 3rd


May 23 SunThis evening the window in memory of Mr Ephraim H Jones, Weston Lodge, Mold Road, Buckley was unveiled and dedicated in Bistre Church [502]


JulyElectric light, replacing gas, was installed into St Matthew's Schools, Buckley


Aug 11 Wed Sir Gordon Richards retired from racing, aged 50 The end of St Swithin's; it has rained for 40 days every day


Sept 14 TueMr Joseph Lewis, Chairman of the Buckley UDC, was invested with the Chain of Office by Mr Eric Tarran, resigning Chairman. It was designed by Mr J Eric Hayes, Rate Collector and cost £102, subscribed by the public


Oct 9 SatThe BYPCA have contributed £16,637.11.l0d to the total income of Hawkesbury Community Centre this year of £23,212


Nov 2 TueFor 'Buckley, Near Chester' we must now substitute 'Buckley, Flintshire', the result of efforts for the change made by the County Council [503]

Dec 25A Christmas Tree 6 yards high, erected by Liverpool Road cross




Notes 1945 - 54


360 William Joyce [1906-46, British traitor and follower of Sir Oswald Moseley]


361 Later Alderman Jones - wrote songs about Buckley; Mr Stanley was in the haulage and laundry business and lived at the Willow


362 It has been customary to believe that such phenomena are peculiar to the 80s and 90s


363 A butcher, a quarry proprietor and haulier, a coal merchant, a newsagent and 'famous' dame in the Pantomime and see note 361 respectively.


364 Sir Albert Charles Gladstone 5th Bt created 1846 b 1886 s of Rev Stephen E Gladstone; lived at Fasque, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire -Who's Who


365 Charles Andrew Gladstone b 1888 6th Bt s of Rev Stephen Gladstone; heir pres to Sir Albert Gladstone A Master at Eton 1912-1946 High Sheriff of Flintshire 1951 Officier d'Academie 1939 - Who's Who


366 Now called Fraser Drive, after a former GP in the town; the land was owned by the Northgate Brewery, proprietors of Hewitt's lane and farm adjacent to the White Lion, one of their houses


367 Now the Castle Cement Company, Padeswood Hall was owned formerly by Hancocks; later the Metallic Co [Major Jones' family lived in the house]


  1. Some of these prisoners remained here and married Buckley ladies [My father supported the naturalisation application of some of these people - Ed]


369 His son spent much of his War Service in Ceylon


370 Some of these became firm friends of Buckley people and many have remained so and have made reciprocal visits to each other's homes The Knowl Hill; Buckley's highest point was the traditional site of celebratory bonfires


371 See note 351


372 Because of the grain shortage


373 See note 372


374 See note 174


375 Dean Neville - Grenville, the founder of the church, was very proud of the wall built to surround the 1822 Churchyard, now breached for the first time, no doubt


376 See note 106


377 The Mission Church of St Matthew's in Drury close to the Parrot Inn


378 See note 174


379 Food sent from America was known as 'Bundles for Britain'


380 See note 11


381 Many people in Buckley took the 'Labour Exam' to allow them to begin work at 11 or 12


382 The Albert Hall was opposite the Black Horse Inn; it later became known as 'Hibbert's Corner' after Ald TED Hibbert, the proprietor


383 See note 11


384 This was also the site for the operations of the Buckley Colliery Co [now Fletcher's Garden Centre]; [the Manager was Mr Griff Humphreys, a disabled person, but one who was implicitly trusted by my father, who was a director of the company - Ed]


385 The Manager of Crosville was Mr Tobin, who lived in Mold Pentre


386[We had an Anderson shelter in our garden, which was filled by all the women and children of the district, while the men took 'pot luck' outside - Ed]


387 This was probably caused by post-war confusion at Bank Quay


388Mr Lewis was the well-known barber in the Lane End, who shared the tonsorial trade with Mr Bob Peters, who had a shop in the Albert Hall


389 Chairman of Shones the builders; he lived at Drury Farm


390Dr Havard


391A novel, but very welcome association in Buckley


392Dr David Fraser had his consulting rooms where the Post Office now stands. He was a devoted member of the choir of Bistre Church


393 [Now in my possession - Ed]


394 PM 4 Nov 1924; 6 June 1935; 22 Jan 1936; 4 Dec 1936


395 See note 388


396 Opposite the Parrot Inn, Drury; it was 'cruck' roof house of the vernacular style


397 [I have not been able to identify the persons concerned - Ed]


398See note 144


399 See note 398


400 Later [1953] to live at 'Roslyn', Mold Road, Buckley; worked in partnership with his brother, Mr J Kelly, for - see note 363


401See Industry in Clwyd p 81ff for the possible origin of this coin in the district


402 See Buckley No 7 p 25-31


403 See note 351


404 See note 372


405 of the Garreg Lwyd Farm, a regular member of Bistre Church


406 Maurice Harrop, MPS


407 Not identified


408 See note 406


409 Fennah and Kelly, builders; a slop stone is a kitchen sink; Amos Cottage


410 Still extant; the Mill [no longer grinding flour] was used by the Military in the 40-50s, then owned by Mr Alec



411 A coal magnate


412 The converted home of Meadows Frost, Mayor of Chester; some may remember the drinking fountain at the junction of Bridge Street and Pepper Street, which he gave to the city


413See note 375


414 Reigned 1820-30


415Burtonwood Brewery is owned by the Dutton-Forshaw family and is still in operation. See P F Mason, 'Castle Hill Brewery, Ewloe', The Annual Report of the County Archivist for Clwyd [1979], pp 16-20


416 See note 207


417 See note 402; often, rumour had it, those concerned with the Buckley production, used to visit the London shows in order to enhance the script from their recollection


418 See note 392


419 See note 3011


420Grocer from the Square, Buckley; [Henry] Grocer from the Cross, immediately opposite the Council Chamber; Alderman; a noted Methodist; Alderman from Drury; Thomas Edward Daniel, proprietor of the Albert Hall, Alderman and Director of 0 Hugh Davies, builders merchants


421Rev W J Rees


422Dr Havard


423This cannot be 'Willie' Carson, for he was born in 1942. Who?


424See note 1458


425The Diarists notes these outings with increasing interest; they were evidently much enjoyed by people of his generation who very rarely left the town


426See note 304


427See Buckley No 11, p 3-6


428See note 392


429See note 420


430See note 271


431Belonging to Mr Dick Hopwood and family; Lane End


432John Thomas, SDC Lampeter, BA. 1931; Chaplain to the Forces 1940-6 [Ment in Dispatches] formerly V of Llangynyw; left Buckley to become V of Abergele; died suddenly while playing with his grandchild [I remember him with great respect; he spent many hours with us at Plas Wylf a talking with my father about Buckley 'history' and he showed us much kindness. He was a true priest in every sense of the word - Ed]

The Bishop was Dr David Bartlett; an outstanding 0 T Scholar, formerly a Fellow of St John's College, Oxford and a Professor at Lampeter - a most gentle bishop


433Near Caergwrle [in later years my father was friendly in a commercial context with Mr Lew Fidler, who ran the Llay Hall Brickworks very successfully - Ed]


434The Diarist helped, in his retirement, with this work, since he believed strongly in the objectives of the Hawkesbury Community Centre


435See note 16


436Mr Thompson farmed Aberllannerch Farm for many years after the Williams family left it; but in retirement in Higher Common, he experimented with tobacco culture in the greenhouse in his large garden and causing his neighbour, Messrs R H Hughes and Wilson, much interest and fascination


437Situated in Lower Common in the Pottery Lane, The Willow


438The Elfed School


  1. Later, Baroness White, daughter of a distinguished Librarian of the National Library at Aberystwyth; Later, Lord Rhyl, educated at Eton, and resigned his ministry with J Enoch Powell


440Mr Bowdier succeeded Mr David Jenkins as watchmaker in Mill Lane in a shop opposite 'Sleepeazy'; many people, however, patronised Mr Bill Stevenson, who kept a shop opposite the Tivoli Theatre; he combined horology with a cycle-repair business [In partnership with his son], was easily seen from the shop at his bench, sporting the horologists 'eye glass' and was of a laconic, though kindly, disposition


441Mr Cary Davies [later succeeded by his son, Mr Haddon Davies] was in premises opposite the Blue Bell Inn


442See note 427


443The Wanderers played mainly on the new field next to the Mill; see note


444Now a regular occurrence


445Gibson's, presumably


446 See note 4~43


447Peter was the nephew, by marriage, of Alderman Arthur Jones, and a pupil of the Alyn Grammar School, Mold


448Traditionally, Buckley people always attended Hawarden Wakes; this originates from the fact that Buckley was in the Parish of Hawarden until 18714, when, by Order in Council it was made a separate ecclesiastical


449 Not identified


450See note 346


451His grandson is Canon A C Roberts, BA [educ: UCNW and Mirfield], Vicar of Shotton


452Not identified


453A worrying time for Castle Fire Brick Co Ltd


454The Umpire was Dr Gerald Ellison, Bishop of Chester, and a former Oxford Rowing Blue


455See notes 450 and 346


456The Simmons Family were connected with the Water Works; one member was an Anglican Priest, another an Anglican Nun


457Held, traditionally, on the New Works Field, Elm Corner


458As a Deputy Lieutenant, one imagines, since Brigadier Mainwaring was taking the salute


459Dr Bartlett


460Lived at Hafod-y-Coed, Tremeirchion. As Custos Rotulorum, he was one of the people who first made the importance of the preservation of records clear to the Flintshire public at a meeting in the Hall Fields, Mold, in the late fifties


461The Methodist Minister at the Tabernacle, Buckley


462A select few acquired televisions in order to view the Coronation; they were something of an eye-test!


463Now West-Lea


464 (nothing entered here- archive ed.)


465A trades union official, later awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Wales


466[I was told by the late Mr R S Kelly, Under-Sheriff at the time and our neighbour for many years at Plas Wylfa, of the gruesome task he had of providing the rope for the execution; Mr Kelly also spoke of the unpleasant effect this event had upon Mr C A Gladstone, the High Sheriff, who also attended the execution. Mr Gladstone, a cultured and sensitive person, obviously found it abhorrent - Ed]


467 Off Pinfold Lane


468 The Biographer of Dr Elfed Lewis [Available at the CR0]


469 John Penry b 1883; Director of the London Missionary Society


470See note 180


471Mr Barley was the last occupant before it was demolished


472Evelyn, sister of Guy Irvine of Everest fame


473See Part 1 for that date


474See note 219


475MSc; a scientist and one of the organists of the Congregational Chapel, Buckley


476The Elfed School


477See Shepherd op cit pp 5-20


478No extra information


479See note 116 and If


480Mr Hodgson lived in the lower section of Liverpool Road


481See note 174


482Widow of Councillor Ephraim Jones; lived on Prenbriggog Hill


483Chairman of Shones of Buckley; lived at Drury Farm


484Builders; of Spon Green


485Builders; of the Common


486A dirt heap is the residue after the coal has been washed or sorted; because there was still some carboniferous content in the dirt and that there were particles of clay in it, it was particularly economical to mix with the clay in brick-making. Colliery nick-named 'Hop, Skip and Jump'


487Vicar and Curate of St Matthew's and Rector of Hawarden


488Mrs Johnson, wife of Mr Fred Johnson, Employee of Castle Fire Brick Co Ltd


489Dr D J Fraser of Mold exhibited his encyclopaedic collection of Buckley Ware


490See Oriel op cit


491 See A Short History of Mold Parish Church by P B Davies-Cooke 1905


492[I have in my possession my parents' invitation card to this event -Ed]


493See note 20


494Mr W E Roberts was a local art master; Mr Wilcock a local electrical retailer; Mr Messham the Rating Officer for the town; Rev F Davies was the Methodist Minister of the Tabernacle; Mr Cropper was the widow of Mr Cropper, author of Buckley and District


495See Shepherd op cit pp 35-40


496A Cardiganshire man, educated at Llandovery College and Queen's College, Cambridge [MA]; Canon of St Asaph; a very authoritative Vicar and a meticulous priest; he had an exceptional singing voice which greatly enhanced the services. Also, I believe, he was a talented sportsman, his contribution to the life of Buckley is legendary, because of his large and attractive personality. Many people will remember his almost daily visits to Mr Bob Peters' barber's shop, wherein he kept his finger, so to speak, on the 'pulse' of his parish - he was a unforgettable person


497[As a contemporary of his son, William, I vividly recollect the warmth of the family life at the Vicarage at that time; Vicar Roberts did not enjoy good health and died in middle-age at the Vicarage, his duties being taken over by the late, and then retired, Dean Spencer-Ellis, during his long illness - Ed]


498Mr J O Parsonage represented Mynydd Isa and Miss Florie Jones, a retired school mistress and local philanthropist, the daughter of a former headmaster of the CP School, she was very influential in educational matters in Flintshire


499Canon Fox, education at Winchester and University College, Oxford, he was formerly Headmaster of Radley College, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford and Professor of Poetry; he was also the biographer of Dean Inge - hard to believe, though true; he had a sister called 'Eve'; he received generation of friends with an 'old-fashioned' courtesy for many years at 4, Little Cloister. He was also a canon of Chichester


500The son for a former master at the CP School


501See Part 1 1902 June 2 Mon


502A former Buckley Councillor


503See note 83




Author: Lewis, George, 1877 - 1963, Part 5


Year = 1952

Month = October

Document = Diary

Gender = Male

People = Single

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society