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Lee Connah in WWI uniform"


See 65.61 - 64 and 65.66-68 for more photos and information on this family.



A Gunner (Service Number: 48244) in the 290th Siege Bty of the Royal Garrison Artillery. His casualty type as stated by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission is: Commonwealth War dead. He died 16th November 1918. He is buried at the Hoogestadt Belgian Military Cemetery, Grave/ Memorial Reference: 951.


Lee, Arthur and George Edward were sons of Alfred and Rose Hannah Connah.

George Edward, the third brother of my father John, returned safely from the War (see 65.67 for a photo of him). My father was only seventeen so was too young to enlist.


Nellie, their sister, died in the flu epidemic which followed the end of the war.


Below is the text of the funeral card for Lee, Arthur and Nellie Connah, who all died in 1918.




The dear beloved children of Alfred and Rose H. Connah, (of Pentrobin)



Who was killed in Action in France

April 29th 1918

Aged 21 years.


Also dear little


Who died Oct. 27th 1918

Aged 9 years.


Like the lilies fair and green

Soon cut down and no more seen;

In life beloved, in peace they died,

We craved their lives but God denied.


Also of


The beloved husband of Josephine Connah

(of Park Head)

Who died at Netley Hospital,

England, from wounds received in

Action in France.

November 16th 1918

Aged 24 years.


He suffered much but murmured not,

We watched him day by day

With aching hearts, grow less and less,

Until he passed away.


We loved him, yes, no tongue can tell

He loved us too and Oh, how well;

God loved him too and thought it best

To take him home with him to rest.






Author: Lewis, Mary K


Year = 1917

Gender = Male

People = Single

Work = Military

Extra = Formal Portrait

Extra = Military

Extra = WW1

Extra = 1910s

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