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Buckley Society Magazine Issue Four: Recent Fieldwork in the Buckley Potteries by Peter J. Davey: map of Site 12, Whitley's Pottery"

Whitely's Pottery, Alltami Road, Buckley

April 1976

Buckley Society Magazine Issue Four, April 1976

see 28.302 for contents etc




The article contains a drawing of each of the nineteen potteries and a decription, plus various other images. These are entered separately under 132. 2 - 27.


SITE 12 SJ279648

1781 ( Edward Whitely); 1815 ( Robert Whitely).

On the 1750 map, a complexity of enclosures at the north end of the common suggests this as the possible site of the pottery. Only one derelict building is extant on the site. There are no other surface indications of a pottery. This area, like most of the common, is now under rough pasture.

To date there have been no finds.




Author: Davey, Peter J.


Year = 1976

Month = April

Building = Industrial

Document = Map

Landscape = Industrial

Work = Light Industry

Extra = Pre 1900

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