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Premises at 96, Brunswick Road"

96, Brunswick Road, Buckley

August 1999

John Davies, originally from Bala, came to Buckley probably in the 1850's to look for work and secured a job working for a Mr. Rowlands, a tailor at 96, Brunswick Road. In due course John Davies took over the business himself and ran a successful tailor's business from the premises which in those days included workshops at the rear.


He died in 1907 at the age of 78 and his gravestone can be seen in Bistre Churchyard to the right of the main Church doorway. The premises at 96, Brunswick Road then became a confectioner's and traded as such for several years until closure around 1930. The shop has never re-opened and the present occupier, Miss Irene Roberts, the great granddaughter of John Davies, has lived there all her life. Frank Roberts, Irene's father, was well known in the town and regularly appeared for the Buckley Pantomime Company in annual performances at the Tivoli.


In 1973 the workshops at the rear that used to be used for the former tailoring business were demolished. The shop remained intact until in 1999 after vandals smashed the front windows which lead to the front of the shop being boarded up and painted over. The shop fittings at that time were all original and around 2005 were sold by auction at Dodd's Auctions Mold to a museum, the identity of which is unknown.




Author: Davies, Paul


Year = 1999

Month = August

Extra = 1990s

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