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Adverts (p.11) and details in the programme for Buckley's first pantomime: Cinderella"

17 March 1932


see 28.234 for cover and 28.235-244, 246 - 246 for other pages


Stop at MOLE'S

The Cross Shoe Stores,

and inspect our Complete Range of Footwear

For Comfort, Charm and Durability.

Hosiery, Repairs, Grindery.




Stage Manager Mr A. Lewis.

Prompters Mr W. Hannaby, Mr R. Dunn.

Stage Carpenter Mr. Jack Smith.

Lighting Effects Mr C. Wilcock.



Wireless Without Worry.

Everything Electrical Easy Payments.

Batteries PROPERLY Charged.


52, Church Road, Buckley.


Ewloe Place Co-operative Society,

Liverpool Road, Buckley.

Telephone 84.

The above Society invite you to inspect the

New Patterns of BESPOKE SUITS, 37/6, 50/-, 63/-, 70/-.

No extra charge for larger sizes.

Large variety of attractive patterns.

Style and fit guaranteed.

Made to Measure.

Author: Buckley Amateur Pantomime Company


Year = 1932

Month = March

Day = 17

Building = Commercial

Document = Ephemera

Event = Social/Entertainment

Gender = Mixed

People = Group

Work = Shops

Extra = Entertainment

Extra = 1930s

Extra = Music

Extra = Theatre

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society