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Adverts (p.3) in the programme for Buckley's first pantomime:Cinderella"

Co-operative, Brunswick Road, Buckley

17 March 1932


see 28.234 for cover and 28.235, 237 - 246 for other pages



Co-operative Society, Limited.

Brunswick Road, Buckley.

The Premier Traders.

Tel 28, Buckley, 65 Drury.

Now is the time to Save.

Dividend paid during the year 1932 to Members and Non-members, £4213. 2s. 6d. Join the Society - become your own Shopkeeper, and share the profits.

Capital £15,722. Reserves £2784/19/7.

BAKERY DEPT; Acknowledged to be the most up-to-date and only Bakery that complies with Trade Union Conditions.

Productions at pre-war prices.

The Loaf with the Golden Crust 2lb for 3d.

A perfect Swiss Roll that everybody will enjoy 6d. Each.

Our Special (All Pork) Pies 3d.

Fancy Confectionery to suit the palate 1/-.

The Prices you can afford, and of a Quality which you cannot afford to ignore.


Author: Buckley Amateur Pantomime Company


Year = 1932

Month = March

Day = 17

Building = Commercial

Document = Ephemera

Gender = Mixed

People = Group

Work = Shops

Extra = 1930s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society