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The Jubilee procession passes the Pied Bull"

Pied Bull, Chester Road, Buckley

July 1971

My father told me that there were "fighting pubs" in Lane End. If a man wanted to fight, he would drink his pint straight down and place his empty glass face down on the counter, thus indicating he fancied a fight. Anyone in the same mood would take up the offer, no offence taken, and they would both go outside to fight. Afterwards, they would buy each other a pint!


Prize fighting would take place in the fields, where bets were taken. The fights could end up several fields away from the start.


Street fights would occur, after which the victor would rub the face of the loser in the horse muck spread in profusion on the streets at that time.

Author: Griffiths, Eddie


Year = 1971

Month = July

Building = Commercial

Event = Religious

People = Crowd

Extra = 1970s

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