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Sunday School Centenary Jubilee Book"


Pages 49 - 52






Hon. Secretary: H. BEAVAN




Tabernacle: Messrs. W. J. Inch, J. D. Morris, S. L. Peters, A. Iball, Rev. F. Davies.

Congregational: Miss M. Arrowsmith, Messrs. J. Fox, E. Price, J. Shepherd, Rev. E. Wyn Parry.

Bistre Church of England: R. Hughes, E. Shone, E. Wilcock, J. T. Jones, Rev. Roberts, B.A.

St. Matthew's: Messrs. P. C. Roberts, J. E. Ellis, D. Millward, Rev. J. T. James, B. A.

Village Temple: Miss G. Peters, Messrs. A. Roberts, R. Betney.

Good Shepherd: Mr. F. Birtwistle.

All Saints: Miss Jackson.

Bistre Methodist: Messrs. G. Messham, E. Downey, C. Astbury, J. Catherall.

Pentrobin Methodist: Messrs. A. Messham, A. Jones, L. Williams, J. T. Hayes.

Drury Methodist: Messrs. H. Jones, F. Connah, J. Tomlinson.

Square Methodist: A. Griffiths, G. Collins, W. Connah, E. Bartley.

Zion Presbyterian: Messrs. F. Williams, W. Burkhill, Rev. J. F. Grey.

Baptist: Mrs. A. Bell, Messrs. A. Bell, W. Messham.

Brunswick Methodist: Messrs. E. Sharratt, E. Piercey, Mrs. S. L. Peters.

Welsh C. M.: Mrs. T. Peters, W. Griffiths, Miss M. Catherall, Mr. Llew Morris, Rev. W. J. Roberts, B.A.

Alltami Methodist: Messrs. S. Bewley, A. Roberts, A. Brown, Miss F. Jones.










Members - Messrs. J. D. Morris, P. C. Roberts, R. Betney, G. Messham, A. Messham, R. Jones, A. Griffiths, F. Williams, E. Sharratt, S. Bewley and Mrs. R. Jones, Mrs. T. Peters, Miss B. Joughin, Miss M. Arrowsmith, Mrs. E. Price.


(page 50) PUBLICITY:





Members - Messrs. J. Fox, E. Shone, M. Williams, Miss G. Peters, Messrs. E. Downey, F. Connah, G. Collins, W. Burkhill, A. Bell, E. Piercy, D. Millward, W. Griffiths, A. Roberts, Rev. E. Wyn Parry.










Members - Messrs. E. Wilcock, A. Roberts, C. Astbury, L. Williams, W. Connah, F. Williams, Mrs. A. Bell, Miss Catherall, A. Brown.







Members - Messrs. S. L. Peters, J. Shepherd, J. T. Jones, R. Betney, J. Catherall, T. J. Hayes, J. Tomlinson, Llew Morris, Miss F. Jones, Rev. E. Wyn Parry, J. Roberts, B.,A., J. T. James, B.A.,, W. J. Roberts, B.A., J. F. Grey.



(page 50)

To our fellow Church Members and Officials, Sunday School Scholars and Officials; General Centenary Jubilee Committee and Sub-Committees. To all Residents of Buckley


We, the Publicity Committee, feel it an honour in this Jubilee Centenary year to place on record this letter of appreciation to all who have, by the grace of God, during the past 99 years, served in their own capacity in the religious worship of this town, and especially to those who had the vision and spirit in 1856 to form a Christian procession which has never failed in its purpose to assemble and walk to display to the world the true spirit of Christ. We humbly pray that this spirit may ever be found in the people whio, through the coming years, are able and willing to devote their lives to the service of Christ in the Church and Sunday School.


We would like to express a special "Thank you" to Mr. H. Beavan, General Secretary of the Jubilee Committee, and Mr. T. Millington, Chairman of that Committee.


Mr. Beavan has been General Secretary for some 40 years, which we feel is a record term of office. He has carried out his duties with great devotion and we pray that he will be able to do so in years to come.


Mr. Millington came into office three years ago, and is proving a very worthy chairman. Much praise is extended to him for his hard work, especially in connection with our Centenary Celebrations.


We would extend a great thank you and warm appreciation to Mr. H. Higgins who, three years ago, vacated the office of Chairman of the Jubilee Committee after holding the position for many years; especially do we appreciate the work he did during the difficult war years.


The Editors of this brochure, Messrs. W. E. Roberts and F. Williams, of Padeswood Road, Buckley, who very willingly accepted the invitation of the General Committee to undertake this work, deserve our highest appreciation for the way they have enlightened our knowledge and illuminated our minds with the history of Buckley and its Churches which will for ever remain as a historical sketch of this town and its religious life.


To our Buckley Town Band which, for many years, has never failed in its duty as leader in the musical field to head the Jubilee Procession, we extend our warmest and sincere thanks and feel sure that in the years to come it will receive the gratitude which is extended to it in this Centenary Year.


We express our warmest appreciation to the Flintshire Constabulary, who control this great Procession of Christian Witnesses. Through the years they have greatly assisted and accepted the Jubilee as an event which must be given a place of great importance in this town.


We greatly appreciate the generosity of those who, year by year, place their vehicles at the disposal of our various Sunday Schools for the benefit of the very young and infirm.


We feel sure that all who have an interest in the religious work of this town will appreciate the generous gift of the Religious Films, Ltd., of sufficient film to illustrate the story of the life and activities which surround the Jubilee and the Sunday School Movement in this neighbourhood. We feel especially indebted to J. Arthur Rank, Esq., D.L. J.P., who, by his great interest in the spiritual life of this nation, has made this film possible. We feel sure that Mr. Dempster, who accepted the Committee's invitation to undertake this great and unique task of filming the Jubilee Celebrations will provide the residents of Buckley with a good historical film.


Mr. William Jones, of Liverpool Road, Buckley, the oldest inhabitant of the town, has very generously recorded (with the kind co-operation of Mr. Arthur Bellis) the history of the Jubilee and has made it possible for us to hear, through the mediuim of the record, the story of one who has been associated with the Church and Jubilee for over ninety years. May this story long live in our minds. We sincerely thank you, Mr. Jones, for your great assistance in connection with our Celebrations.


(page 52) We say thank you to everyone who contributed so generously in response to the financial appeal made by our Appeals Committee and in so doing has made it possible to carry out the many and varied ideas which have come forward. We have up to date received £270.


To all who accepted the responsibility of supplying the history of their own particular Church and Sunday School, we, again, say thank you, and feel proud that we have such a history to place on record. We sincerely thank those who have typed all the material supplied and those who accepted the task of painting the various texts on the banners which will be displayed on the Jubilee Procession route.


We appreciate the thoughtful way in which Mr. J. Bowley, of Daisy Hill, Buckley, suggested to the Publicity Committee the Biblical passage which appears on the cover of our Brochure. We are indebted again to Mr. W.E. Roberts, who has so artistically included this passage of scripture in the design for the cover.


The Reverend E. Wyn Parry has expressed very beautifully, through the Centenary Jubilee Hymn, the true Christian Jubilee Spirit which we should all endeavour to remember in the years to come. We thank you, Mr. Parry, for your contribution.


To our present and past Ministers, Clergy and Local Preachers, who have so valiantly served the cause of Christ in this neighbourhood we must thank God. It is through their unselfishness and love of service to Christ that makes all things possible. To them we must ever be grateful.


We would be failing in our duty as a Publicity Committee if we did not extend a warm invitation to those who, during the past few years, have not attended a place of worship, to re-dedicate their lives to the service of Christ. The Church, your Church, needs your comradeship. Parents - send your children to Sunday School so that they can live in the spirit which first made it possible for us, in this Centenary Year to be able to celebrate the work of the Sunday School and all that it stands for.


On behalf of the Publicity Committee,


Chairman: ARTHUR JONES, J.P., C.C. (Urban District Council)


Hon. Secretary: AUSTIN IBALL.


Author: Roberts, W. E. and Williams, Fred 8


Year = 1956

Event = Religious

Extra = 1950s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society