June 1949
The cover text and main text are entered here.
Bistre Parish Magazine June 1949
Clergy -
Canon. A. W. REES M.A. (Cantab) Surrogate
Rev D P Wynne Williams B.A., Curate
Mr E Shone Lay Reader
Services - Holy Communion at 8-30 a.m. every Sunday; on the first Sunday in the month at 10-30 a.m. Matins and Sermon at 10-30 a.m.
Evensong and Sermon at 6-30 p.m. Sunday School at 2 p.m.
Wednesday 7 p.m. - Choral; Evensong and Intercession.
Churchwardens - Messrs J. Connah and E. D. Jones.
Organist and Choirmaster - Mr R. Mann.
Parish Clerk and Sexton - Mr T. Lloyd.
Sundays - Morning 10-30; Evening 6-30; Sunday School 2-30; Holy Communion Second Sun at 8-30; 4th Sunday 10-30
Sidesman - Mr D. E. Davies; (Warden) Organ - Mr J. R. Davies
Sundays - Morning 10-30; Evening 6-30; Sunday School 2-30; Holy Communion 1st Sun at 8-30 and every third Sun: 10-30.
Sidesman - Mr P. Wood: (Warden)
Organists - Miss M. Jacks
Baptisms and Churchings punctually at the Parish Church on Wednesdays at 6-30 p.m. and on First Sunday in month at 3 p.m. also at All Saints and S. Cecilia before or after service.
During Winter months (Oct 1st to Mar: 31st) should not be later than 3-30 p.m. Other months 5 p.m.
The Calendar:-
June 11th - St. Barnabas, Apostle.
June 24th - St. John, Baptist.
June 29th - St. Peter, Apostle
THE EASTER VESTRY - A well attended vestry meeting was held in the school on Monday, May 2nd, at 7-30 p.m. The vicar presided and opened the meeting with prayer. Mr. T. V. Hughes, vestry clerk, read the minutes of the previous vestry. Mr. Eddie Jones, people's warden, presented the financial statement which showed a balance of £182/4/4. Ordinary collections amounting to £271/18/6, Special collections to £66/11/11, making a total of £338/15/4, an increase of £14 on the previous year. Expenditure exceeded receipts by £18/1/11, mainly due to the previous year's coke bill being included in the statement; also to expenditure which will not recur for some years, such as the flexes throughout the church; the purchase and installation of an electric boiler for the use of the church cleaner. The statement, audited by Mr. Arthur Probert, was unanimously passed; and the Church Wardens were complimented on the sound financial position of the church. The vicar appointed Mr. J. Connah as his warden, and the vestry unanimously elected Mr. W. H. Gittins, Lloyds Bank. Both Wardens returned thanks for the honour conferred on them. The vicar cordially thanked the retiring wardens for their help and co-operation at all times, and regretted that Mr. Eddie Jones was resigning the position after three years faithful service. The vestry decided to reduce the number of sidesmen from 22 to 16. It transpired that some who were appointed the previous year had not fulfilled their duties at all. Several who had occupied the office for years voluntarily vacated the position in order to reduce the number. The vicar expressed the hope that they would be elected another time. The following were appointed:- Miss Gittins, Messrs. J. N. Holdsworth, E. J Jones, T. J. Atherton, R. J. Hughes, H. Reynolds, Alfred Catherall, Eddie Shone, Willie Jones, Arthur Mountfort, T. Maddocks. Nominations for the Parochial Church Council to be elected at an adjourned vestry were then received. The vicar thanked all church workers for their valued help and co-operation during the past year.
THE ADJOURNED VESTRY - this was held at the school on Monday, May 16th, at 7-30 p.m. The Parochial Church Council was elected as follows:- Misses H. M. Gittins, H. E. Shone, B. Jones, S. Catherall, Dr. Fraser, Messrs. A. Probert, E. J. Jones, H. Reynolds, T. V. Hughes, G. R. Connah, W. Tarran, R. J. Hughes, R. Peters, J. Holdsworth, Ed. Shone, Eric Davies, C. H. Catherall, Ray Hughes, T. Maddock.
MEMORIAL PLAQUE - The Plaque erected to the memory of the men of Bistre Parish who died in the second World War 1939-45 was unveiled and dedicated on Sunday afternoon, May 22nd. The vicar took the opening part of the service and read the names of the fallen. The Lesson was read by the curate. Dr. Fraser unveiled the Plaque, and the dedicatory prayers were said by the Very Rev. The Dean of St. Asaph, who also delivered an inspiring address. Pews were reserved for the relatives of the fallen. Contingents of the British Legion - men and women sections - were present. Their representatives laid two laurel wreaths at the base of the Memorial. After the dedication, The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by R.A.F. buglers. The Plaque is of bronze and has 34 names incised thereon. It was executed by Pax House, London, and is of excellent craftsmanship. It has no embellishments and is merely a record of the men of the parish who made the supreme sacrifice. The church was filled to capacity, and the collection, amounting to £10/16/0, was given to the British Legion.
OBITUARY - It is with sincere regret that we record the deaths of three parishioners. Mrs. Isaac Edwards died with tragic suddenness on May 20th. She had always taken an active interest in the work of the church, and had attended services with unfailing regularity prior to residing with her son-in-law and daughter at Alltami. She had been a long standing member of the Mothers' Union. Many of the members attended the funeral which was fully choral, and a wreath was sent from the Branch. Mr. Joseph Henry Hughes had been ailing for years and had borne his sickness with Christian fortitude. He had taught at Bistre School in his earlier days, and had been active in the affairs of the church. In our perusal of past Magazines, we find the name of J. H. Hughes frequently mentioned in connection with church activities. He drew up the first Parochial Roll after the Disestablishment of the Church. Owing to ill-health, he had retired form the Headship of Pentrobin N.P. School.
Charles Hill passed away after a comparatively short illness. Charlie was a favourite with most Buckley people and had a host of friends as was shown at his funeral when the church was almost full. He never failed to attend evensong at the Parish Church. We desire to convey our deep sympathy to the bereaved families. May the certainty of the Resurrection to eternal life help them to bear the heavy burden of bereavement.
FETE - The Annual Fete will be held on the Vicarage Lawn on Wednesday, June 15th, and will be opened at 3 p.m. by Mrs. Davies-Cooke, Gwysaney. The Bistre School children will give a dancing exhibition and will present Father Time and his children. There will be the usual attractions and stalls. Gifts towards these objects will be gratefully received. Members of the Church Guild and Mothers' Union are contributing towards their respective stalls. Mrs. Wood will be grateful for knick knacks for the Hoop La, and Mrs. Wilcock for gifts towards the refreshment stall. All Saints working party have been busy for some time preparing for their stall. The Dance will be held in the Parish Room on the night of the Fete from 7-30 to 11-30 p.m. Admission 2/-.
DAMAGE - The clerk in response to complaints made by two councillors, at a recent meeting of the Buckley U.D.C., of damage to windows and walls of the untenanted houses in the Fraser Drive, said that suitable action would be taken. Bistre church and its environment have suffered from these depredations for many years to the extent of scores of pounds. We have complained to the police, and have taken legal action against the culprits without effect. We await with interest the result of the Clerk's suitable action hoping to benefit thereby. We have always advocated that a playing field should be provided for children somewhere between the Nant Mawr and the Hillside Crescent.
THE MISSION CHURCHES - The Annual Easter Vestries were held at All Saints and St. Cecilia Churches on May 4th and 5th, respectively, at 7-30 p.m. At All Saints, the financial statement showing receipts at £189/17/5, expenditure £78/19/2, balance £110/8/3, was unanimously adopted. Mr. D.E.Davies was elected Warden, and the following sidesmen were appointed:- Messrs. L. Bevan, J. Bowley, L. Davies, E. Edwards, S. Ellis, O. D. Hayes, G. Hughes, J. E. Howell, E. Jones, W. Langford, C. McAllister, B. Rogers. Representatives to the Parochial Church Council:- Mesdames Peters Rogers, A. Jones, Messrs. C. McAllistair, J. Fletcher, Mr. O. D. Hayes presented the Central Fund and the F.W.O. Statements. At St. Cecilia, Mr. P. Wood was elected warden for the 34th time. The financial statement showed a balance of £40. The following sidesmen were appointed:- Messrs. D. Campbell, C. R. Day, F. Hopwood, A. Jacks. Representatives to the P.C.C.:- Mesdames P. Wood, A. Jones, Mr. A Jacks. The vicar presided at both vestries and expressed his cordial thanks to all church workers for their valuable help.
"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
May 1st - John Kenneth, son of Kenneth James and Pamela Mary Lewis.
May 8th - Graham, son of Charles Herbert and Florence Catherall.
May 29th - John Derek, son of John Derek and Catherine Mary Walters.
"Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder."
May 28th - William Neville Howell and Violet Weigh.
"Eternal rest, grant them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them."
May 11th - Elizabeth Peers, aged 85 years.
May 26th - Annie Agnes Edwards, aged 80 years.
May 26th - Joseph Henry Hughes, aged 62 years.
May 27th - Bessie Woolrich Fearson, aged 46 years.
May 28th - Joseph Henry Forrester, aged 24 years.
"Shall I offer unto the Lord that which doth cost me nothing?"
May 1st - Second Sunday after Easter839
May 8th - Third Sunday after Easter6310
May 15th - Fourth Sunday after Easter60 10
May 22nd - Fifth Sunday after Easter1799
May 26th - Ascension Day 90
May 29th - Sunday after Ascension6180
All Saints Church735
St. Cecilia326
Author: Bistre Emmanuel Church
Year = 1949
Month = June
Building = Religious
Document = Journal
Extra = 1940s
Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society