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Buckley Parish Church Magazine Cover"

Saint Matthew's Parish Church, Church Road, Buckley

July 1921

see 6.68 - 70 for adverts







New Series. Vol 23, No 7 Price to subscribers 2s per annum. By post 3s.


Clergy: Rev. Gilbert Heaton, M.A. Rev. R. Williams-Jones, B.A.


Churchwardens: Mr. James Tyson and Mr. Alfred Everall


Sidesmen - Parish Church - Messrs. Herbert Catherall, Edward Evans, John Birks, William Peters, Edward Lloyd, Ernest Shone, Ernest Blackwell, Enoch Messham, Charles Jones, William Bellis.


Sidesmen - Good Shepherd, Pentre-Drury - Messrs. Richard Bellis and John Probert.


Organist and Choirmaster -

Parish Church and Sexton - Mr. J. Hayes Jones

Parish Nurse - Nurse Kemp



Celebration of the Holy Communion

Every Sunday 8 a.m.; 1st Sunday of the month, also 10.30 a.m. [Choral]

3rd Sunday also 7 p.m. Great Festivals, 6, 7 and 8 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. [Choral]

Matins and Sermon, 10.30 a.m. except on first Sunday of the month

Evensong and Sermon, 6.30 p.m.

Meetings and Catechism, 2.15 p.m.



Matins 7.15 a.m.Holy Communion 7.45 a.m.Evensong 7 p.m.



Tuesday - Holy Communion 7 a.m.Service of Intercession directly after Evensong

Thursday - Holy Communion 7.45 a.m. Daily - Matins 8 a.m. Evensong 7 p.m.



Suptds - S.Matthew's; Boys, Miss E. Blackwell, Girls, Miss Thomas, Infants, 10.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Miss Thomas.

The Good Shepherd; 2 p.m., Miss Amy Wilson.

Lane End; 2 p.m., Miss Beavan.


BUCKLEY PARISH MAGAZINE. Kalendar for July, 1921

1 F.Abst.

2 S. Visitation of B.V.M.


3 S. 6th after TRINITY

4 m. Translation of S.Martin, B.C.

5 Tu.

6 W.

7 Th.

8 F.Abst

9 S.


10 S. 7th after TRINITY

11 M.


13 W. The R.D. Choir Festival

14 Th. The Mothers' Union

15 F. Translation of S.Swithun, B.C. Abst.

16 S.


17 S. 8th after TRINITY

18 M. The Priest' Convention at Oxford

19 Tu.

20 W.

21 Th.

22 F. S.Mary Magdalene Abst.

23 S. Vigil


24 S. 9th After TRINITY

25 M S.James, A.

26 Tu. S.Anne, Mother of B.V.M.

27 W. The Garden Fete.

28 Th.

29 F. Abst.

30 S.


31 S. 10th after TRINITY



Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

June 2...Linda Jones.

5...Dorothy Jones.

12...Brenda Irene Reeve.

12...Freda Davies.

19...Mary Beavan.



Grant them of Lord Eternal Rest.

June 4...George Henry Johnson, aged 49 years.

7...Elizabeth Lewis, aged 53 years.

20...Martha Williams, aged 85 years.

22...Percy Okell, aged 36 years.



June 5...5 19 5

" 12...4 19 10

" 19...4 17 6

" 26...4 6 2£20 2 11


HOLY BAPTISM. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered on Thursdays and Holy Days at Evensong and also on Sundays at 4 p.m. Notice is to be given to the Parish Clerk, and the card filled in and returned to him not later than the day before. A Memorial Card of Baptism may be had for 2d. instead of the ordinary card, if desired.


THE CLERGY. Can be seen for spiritual counsel and advice after Evensong on Saturday night or at any other times by appointment.

HOLY MATRIMONY. For the Publication of Banns application must be made 7 days before the Sunday on which it is desired they should be published for the first time. Marriages not solemnized during Lent.


CHURCHINGS. Churchings before any week-day Service five minutes before the Service begins. Notice must be given to the Clerk some time the day before.


FUNERALS. The time fixed for Funerals should be punctually observed. During Winter months [Oct. 1st to March 31st] not later than 3.30 p.m. Other months 5 p.m.


THE PARISH CHURCH is open daily for private prayer and meditation. It is requested that notice of any case of sickness my be sent to the Clergy, so that they may visit the house as soon as possible. In the event also the illness of a child who is unbaptised, it is urged that similar notice be given without delay.



The Jubilee is now being eagerly looked forward to by the Children. We hope that the Collectors will not find it very difficult to get in the necessary Subscriptions.


The Garden Fete. - Now that work in the Collieries is to be resumed, we are able to go forward with our preparations for the Garden Fete with a better heart. Let everyone take note of the date - Wednesday 27th July. We shall all need to work hard to get ready. The Tickets will soon be out. The ladies responsible for the Tea are hoping to receive promises of provisions, cakes, &c., so that all may be clear profit. Those who are performing in the Country Dances, and the Minstrels, will have their work before them to get ready in time. It is hoped to engage a Professor of Magic and Mirth, who should prove a great attraction. So let us hope all will do what they can to make this year's Fete a great success.


The Anglo-Catholic Priests' Convention. This is an outcome of the Congress held last year, and is intended to be an opportunity for Conference among the Clergy as to the propagation of Christian Faith and Practice in England and Wales. Twenty-six Clergy will be attending from the S.Asaph Diocese, among them the Vicar and the Rev.R.Williams Jones, so the parish will be without its Clergy from the 18th to 22nd of July. The general subject of the Convention is Priestly Efficiency. The first day Intellectual Efficiency; the second day Practical Efficiency; the third day Personal Efficiency. Those who attend will have the privilege of hearing many of the leading Theologians and Scholars in the Church. It should prove a time of very real refreshment both intellectual and spiritual. No doubt the Clergy who attend will give an account of their experiences to their congregations on their return. And we may hope it may lead to a real forward movement toward the Evangelisation of the country.


Church Finance - A new arrangement has now been made for the payment of the Stipends of the Assistant Curates. The Representative Body and the Diocesan Board of Finance and the Parish employing the Curate will each pay one third - £66 13s 4d. In order to make this possible, it has been found necessary to increase the quota which the parishes will have to send to the Central Funds. Thus our quota will be raised from £78 2s 6d. to £110. It will be seen therefore that we shall be required to raise £176 13s 4d. to meet our share of the Stipend of the Assistant Curate and the quota. There should be no difficulty in raising the £66 13s 4d. by means of the F.W.O., if all the members will be regular in their contributions and we could get a few new members. Then there will remain the £110 to raise for the quota. It is clear that the Representative Body and the Diocesan Board cannot meet the obligations unless the parishes are punctual in the payments of their quota. Our Churchwardens have, therefore, had to send up £50 for the first half-year, before they have been able to collect it. They did not feel that they could make a house to house collection as last year, when there was so much unemployment. It may be, however, that there are some who would be willing to help us out of the present difficulty by sending in their contribution, or a portion of it, now. The Churchwardens are therefore issuing small envelopes, marked 'the Parochial quota', in which any contributions toward this would be put, and then the envelope and its contents could be placed in the collection on the Sunday. All such contributions received will be entered to the name on the envelope, each person being asked to write their name on the envelope. Then when it is possible to make a more general collection, the Churchwardens will have a list of those who have already given, and will send the appeal only to those who have not given.


The Ancient Order of Buffaloes are holding a Church Parade on Sunday 17th July, when we shall be very pleased to welcome them to S.Matthew's Church.


The Calvary. - Some of the parents of those who fell in the war are forming a small Committee to be responsible for one month. A list will be published in the Church porch showing who are responsible for each month , it will be their duty to remove dead and faded flowers and to generally keep it all tidy. Of course anyone will be perfectly free to place their flowers there at any time. The Vicar would be glad to know of any who would like to join this little Committee. Mr Powell has promised to make some vases suitable for the Calvary as soon as the Works get going again.


The National Society for Promoting Education in the Principles of the Church. On Sunday, 31st July, the Rev.C.H.Bagott, Vicar of Mossley, Manchester, will preach morning and evening on behalf of this Society, and an opportunity will be given us to support it my our alms.


F.W.O. (Free-Will Offering-ed.)Members. - March 25th, 1921. Mr. C. Aston, Mrs. C. Aston, Miss Aston, Miss B. Aston, Mr. K. Aston, Mr. G. Aston; Miss Beavan, Miss. A. Beavan, Mr. W. Bellis, Miss M. Bellis, Mrs. Blackwell, Miss E. Blackwell, Miss B. Blackwell, Mr. J. Birks, Mr. W. Bunting, Mrs. G. Burrows; Mrs. G. Catherall Miss L. Catherall, Miss B. Catherall, Miss A. Carr, Mrs. Cartwright, Mr. Nicholas Collins, Mrs. N. Collins, Mrs. W. J. Collins; Mr. J. Davies, Mr. R. Davies, Miss A. Davies, Mr. C. Dyment, Mrs. C. Dyment, Mrs. N. Dyment, Mr. Walter Dyment, Mrs. S, Dunn; Mr. Bevis Edwards, Miss Ida Edwards, Mrs. Ellis [Old Station] Mrs. J. Ellis, Mrs. Alfred Ellis, Miss Annie Ellis, Mr. Edward Evans, Miss Elsie Evans, Mr. Everall, Mrs. Everall; Mrs. Garson, Mrs. Gittins, Miss M. Gittins, Mr. A. Gittins, Miss M. Gittins, Mr. A. Gittins, Mr. E. Gregory, Mrs. M. Griffiths; Mrs. A. Hayes, Mr. F. Hayes, Miss Ennis Hayes, Mrs. Hewitt, Miss K. Hewitt, Miss C. Hewitt, Mrs. J. Hewitt, Mrs. J. Higgins, Mr. Hodson, Mrs. Hodson; Mrs. T. Jones, Mr. T. Jones, Mrs. Edwin Jones, Mr. Andrew Jones, Miss Jones, Miss E. Jones, Mr. C. H. Jones, Mr. A. H. Jones; Nurse Kemp, Mrs. J. Kendrick; Mrs. W. Lamb, Mrs. T. Lewis, Mr. J. S. Lewis, Miss H. Lewis, Miss Lindop, Master D. Lindop, Mr. E. Lloyd, Mr. J. C. Lloyd; Mrs Millington, Mr. F. Millward, Miss McIntosh, Miss Morrlle, Miss F. Morlle, Mrs. G. Moore; Mr. W. Newton, Mr. Norton, Miss Norton; Mr. J. A. Peters, Mr. H. Piercy, Mrs. H. Piercy, Miss M. Piercy, Messrs. I. & W. Powell, Miss Price, Mr. E. Probert, Miss M. Probert, Miss S. Probert, Miss E. Probert, Miss F. Probert, Mr. J. J. Probert; Mrs. Radcliffe, Mrs. T. Roberts, [Glynne Villa]; Mr. T. Roberts, Mrs. T. Roberts, Mrs. Ed. Roberts, Mrs. Rowlett, Mr. E. F. Rowlands, Mrs. J. H. Rogers; Miss L. Shone, Mr. E. Shone, Mr. Ed. Shone, Mr. H. Shone, Mr. W. Simmons, Mr. J. W. Simmons, Mr. A. J. Smith; Mr. J. Tarran, Mrs. J. Tarran, Mr. J. Tarran, jun., Mr. J. Thompson, Miss K. Thomas, Miss N. Thomas, Mrs. Tyson, Miss Tyson, Mr. J. Tyson, Mrs. J. Tyson, Mr. R. Thornton; Mrs Usher; Mr. T. Williams, Mrs. T. Williams [Lane End] Mr. Williamson, Mrs. Williamson, Mr. W. Weigh, Mrs. W. Weigh, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Wilson, Miss a. Wilson, Miss M. Wilson, Miss Alma Wilson, Mr. W. Wilson, jun.


We would like to appeal to those who have not joined the Free-Will Offering to do so. They should apply to Mr. Tyson, the Secretary, who will be glad to supply them with the necessary number of envelopes in which they may make their offering weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually, as they like. And may we also ask that any who are in arrears with their offerings, would kindly bring them in as soon as they are able to do so. We must remember that it is our first duty to support those who minister to us in spiritual things. Many of those whose names are not on this list, have perhaps never given the matter serious thought. We hope they will do so, and lose no time in applying to the Secretary for their envelopes.


The Ruri-decanal Choir Festival will be held at Hawarden Parish Church, on Wednesday, 13th July. The Choirs which will be taking part will almost fill the Church, consequently there will be little space, if any for the general congregation.


It is some years since such a Festival has been held. It is hoped that for the future it may be an annual event, and that it may do much to kindle interest in Church music in the Rural Deanery and awaken greater enthusiasm among the members of the Church Choirs.



The Buckley Company had the honour of representing the whole of Wales in the Finals of the C.L.B. Cadets International Competitions and Sports, which were held in London on Sat., June 11th. The Following Cadets left Buckley on Friday night, June 10th, in charge of Captain C. H. Jones, and travelled all night, arriving in London at 6 o'clock on Saturday morning; - L. Cpls. C. Gittens and J. Roberts, and Ptes. G. Roberts, H. Hughes, G. Higgins, and E. Griffiths. The lads competed in the Three-miles Cross-Country Race on Mitcham Common; and in the 100 yards race under 17, and Relay race under 17, at Herne Hill track, and were successful in obtaining Third place in each event; considering that they had been travelling all night, and were competing against lads living in or near London, who were quite fresh, the results were very creditable. The trophies, awarded to the Battalion obtaining the largest number of points and not to individual competitors, were presented by H.R.H. Prince Henry. The lads enjoyed their short trip very much, and returned home on Sunday rather tires, but full of experiences to tell their less fortunate brother Cadets who did not go with them.


The Company also did well in the Physical Drill Competition, open to all units in Great Britain, coming fourth in the third round. Let us hope we shall do better still next year.


The Company is open to accept any Recruits between the ages of 13 and 19, and parents would do well to send their sons along to join this excellent organization, which has for its aim the advancement of Christ's Kingdom among lads of all classes, the promotion of Charity, Reverence, Patriotism, Discipline, Self-Respect, and all that tends towards true Christian Manliness. The charge for admission is 2/6 [payment of which may be extended over 6 weeks], and afterwards a subscription of 1d. per week. Lads! Come along next Friday at 7.30 p.m. and join us.



Subscriptions, 1921. Continued from last month

Burnt Wood - Collector, Miss Mackintosh. 1/3 each - Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Weigh, Mrs. MacCaffey, Mrs. Millington, Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. Ted. Messham, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Eddie Beavan, Mrs. Brown.


Drury and Pentre - Collector, Miss Amy Wilson. 1/3 each - Mr. Thomas Hayes, Mrs. Morrlle, Mr. S. Wainwright, Mrs. Aston, Mrs. Peers, Mrs. Beavan [Glynne Arms], Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. S. Hewitt, Mrs. J. W. Hewitt, Mr. A. Thompson, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. W. Davies, Mrs. E. Bellis; 2/6 each - Mrs. Ellis [Station Road], Mrs. Millward.


Church Road - Collector, Mrs. S. Catherall. 1/3 each - Mrs. E. Catherall, Mrs. James Shone, Mrs. Robert Lloyd, Mrs. Tom Davis, Mrs. John Peters, Mrs. Threadgold, Mrs. Hargreaves, Mrs. W. Dyment, Mrs. G. A. Roberts, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. J. Wainwright, Mrs. C. Dolby, Mrs. L. Shone, Mr. W. Shone, Mr. N. Peters, Mr. W. Peters, Mr. Balshaw, Mr. S. Catherall, Mr. E. Messham, Mr. T. Lewis, Mr. E. Dawson, Mr. M. Hughes, Mr. A. Hughes, Mr. J. H. Bellis.


Author: Buckley Parish Church


Year = 1921

Month = July

Building = Religious

Document = Journal

Extra = 1920s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society