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Buckley Parish Church Magazine Cover"

Saint Matthew's Parish Church, Church Road, Buckley

March 1917

see 49.11 - 13 for adverts




Note - Under the heading "NATIONAL SERVICE AND ECONOMY", there is information on war rationing.




New Series. Vol 16, No 3 Price to subscribers 1s. per annum. By Post 2s.


Clergy: Rev. Gilbert Heaton, M.A.

Churchwardens: Mr. W. C. Collins and Mr. Herbert Piercy

Sidesmen - Parish Church - Messrs. H. Humphreys, S. Dunn, W. Peters, J. T. Hopwood, W. Lamb, Wilfred Wynne, Geo. Catherall, Geo. Hewitt, Ed. Lloyd, Chas. Dolby, [junr.]

Sidesmen - Good Shepherd, Pentre - Drury - Messrs. E. Probert and W. Pennington.

Organist and Choirmaster - Mr. William Williams.Parish Clerk and Sexton - Mr. J. Hayes Jones. Parish Nurse - Nurse Kemp.



Celebration of the Holy Communion -

Every Sunday 8 a.m.; 1st Sunday of the Month, also 10.30 a.m. [Choral]

3rd Sunday also 7 a.m.Great Festivals, 6, 7 and 8 a.m., and 10.30 a.m. [Choral]

Matins and Sermon, 10.30 a.m., except on first Sunday of the Month.

Evensong and sermon, 6.30 p.m.

Meetings of the Catechism, 2.15 p.m.



Matins, 7.15 a.m.Holy Communion, 7.45 a.m.Evensong 7 p.m.



Tuesday - Holy Communion, 7 a.m.Service of Intercession, directly after Evensong.

Thursday - Holy Communion, 7.45 a.m.Daily - Matins, 8 a.m. Evensong 7 p.m.



Sunday - Morning Service, 10.30.Evening Service, 6.30

Holy Communion, 4th Sunday in Month, 8 a.m.



Superintendents - S. Matthew's: Boys, Miss Owen; Girls, Miss Thomas; Infants 10.30 a.m. & 2.15 p.m., Miss Thomas.

The Good Shepherd: 2 p.m., Rev. G. T. Gravell, B.A.Lane End; 2 p.m., Miss Beavan



BUCKLEY PARISH MAGAZINE. Kalendar for March, 1917.

1 Th.S. David, B.C.Fast

2 F.S. Chad, B.C.Fast

3 S.Ember day Fast


4 S.2nd Sunday in Lent.

5 M. Fast

6 Tu. Fast

7 W. Fast

8 Tu.The C.E.M.S., 7 p.m. Fast

9 F. Fast

10 S Fast


11 S.3rd Sunday in Lent

12 M. S. Gregory, B.C.D.Fast

13 Tu.Fast

14 W.Fast

15 Th.Meeting of the Communicants' Guild

7.30 p.m. Fast

16 F. Fast

17 S. Fast


18 S.4th Sunday in Lent

19 M.Fast

20 Tu.Fast

21 W.Fast

22 Th.E.C.U. MeetingFast

23 F. Fast

24 S. Fast



26 M.Annunciation of B.V.M.Fast

27 Tu.Fast

28 W.Fast

29 Th.Fast

30 F. Fast

31 S. Fast


BAPTISMS.Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.

Feb. 8 - Hilda Davies.

Feb. 12 - Thomas Vincent Messham.

Feb. 12 - Mary Kathleen Dyment.

Feb.18. - Dorothy Collins.

Feb.18 - Winifred Mary Williams.


MARRIAGES. Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.

Jan. 27 - William Davies and Fanny Messham.


LAID TO REST. Grant them, O Lord, Eternal Rest.

Jan. 31 - Catherine Ellis, 76 years,

Feb. 3 - Agnes Tarran, 24 years.

Feb. 7 - Bessie Wainwright, 5 months.

Feb. 10 - Thomas Wilcock, 21 years.

Feb. 12 - Caroline Lewis, 50 years.

Feb 17 - Anne Burrows, 76 years.


HOLY BAPTISM. - The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered on Thursdays and Holy Days at Evensong and also on Sundays at 4 p.m. Notice is to be given to the Parish Clerk, and the card filled in the day before. A memorial Card of Baptism may be had for 2d., instead of the ordinary card, if desired.


THE CLERGY can be seen for spiritual counsel and advice after Evensong on Saturday night or at any other times by appointment.

HOLY MATRIMONY. - For the publication of Banns application must be made 7 days before the Sunday on which it is desired they should be published for the first time. Marriages not solemnized during Lent.


CHURCHINGS. - Churchings before any weekday service five minutes before the service begins. Notice must be given to the Clerk some time the day before.


FUNERALS. - The time fixed for Funerals should be punctually observed. During Winter months [Oct. 1st to March 31st] not later than 3.30 p.m. Other months at 5 p.m.


THE PARISH CHURCH is open daily for private prayer and meditation.

It is requested that notice of any Sickness may be sent to the Clergy, so that they may visit the house as soon as possible. In the event also of the illness of a child who is unbaptised, it is urged that similar notice be given without delay.



The first of March is S.David's Day, the Festival of the Patron Saint of Wales. It is good that in these days greater interest should be shown in the observance of this Festival. Such observances tend to kindle patriotism and love of our Country in the hearts of the people. The one thing known about S. David is that he was Bishop of Menevia, now called after him S. David's. We may be sure that the one thing which he would desire that we should work and pray for is that the people of Wales should be all brought to know and love the Faith and be united again within the fold of the Catholic Church. These sad divisions which are so great a blot upon the religious life of Wales were unknown in the days of S. David. All Welshmen in those days were loyal to the Bishops of the Church, and so it was but Natural that the people of Wales should choose a Bishop as their Patron Saint. Such is the state of religion in Wales today that many, who are most zealous in wearing the leek or the daffodil, wish to forget the one thing which is known for certain about our Patron Saint, namely that he was a Bishop of the Ancient Church of Wales. Churchmen have no desire to forget this and will ever pray and work for the return of the people of Wales to the fold of the ancient Church of Saint David.


NATIONAL SERVICE AND ECONOMY. - We are hoping that 1917 will be the year of Victory. Whether it is or not must greatly depend upon the effort which we and our allies put forth. In this great effort all are called to take their part. We must sink all private interests in the cause of our Country - today, if ever, it must be our country first. Everyone who is not serving in His Majesty's forces is called upon to offer his services in whatever way he can, if not his whole time, at least whatever free time he has. The Clergy, like everyone else, have had their forms to fill up, and the Bishop is to say who can be spared from their pastoral work, and what other work they can do for their country.

It is certain every one will be ready to do what they can. It will be a very difficult matter to organise so that everyone may be able to take his part in the great national effort to secure the longed for Victory.

All rejoice in the success of the great War Loan. Having lent our money we would now give our time labour. And the women and all who have the care of the household have their problems to face - till now we have only had the difficulty caused by the high prices, but now supplies are running short, and the question is how to reduce the consumption of food within the prescribed rations. This will require all the skill and management of the housekeeper, and also some curbing of the appetites of all.

The three most important staples of daily consumption are - bread, meat, sugar.

We are told that after considering the available stocks and probable means of future supplies, the situation requires that heads of families should try to limit themselves to the weekly purchase for each person in the household of 4 lbs. of bread or 3 lbs. of flour for bread-making, 2 1/2 lbs. of meat 3/4 lb. of sugar.

And the Nation is put upon its honour to observe these conditions. Economy is not only a patriotic duty, but a necessity. Extravagance and waste is unpatriotic.

Whether we have compulsory rationing or not will depend upon how the Country responds to the appeal now made for voluntary reduction of consumption of bread, meat and sugar to within this limit.

If we are tempted to complain, it is well to remember what our men are enduring in the Trenches, and what our sailors have to face while they are guarding our shores, and think of the dangers which our merchant men are running in order to bring food to our homes. We shall feel ashamed if we are not trying to do our part uncomplainingly, in our security at home.


THE C.E.M.S. - A Meeting was held on Thursday, 8th February, when there was a good attendance of Members. The Vicar read a paper on the Report of the Archbishops' Committee on Church and State. This was followed by a very animated discussion in which many took part. All are eagerly looking forward to the Meeting to be held on Thursday, 8th March, when the question of Parochial Church Councils is to be discussed.

We are hoping to send a goodly contribution for our Branch to the C.E.M.S. Fund for providing huts for Soldiers.

So successful was the Meeting of the East Flintshire Federation held in Buckley two years ago, that they readily agreed to except the invitation of our Branch to hold the Annual Meeting here on the 19th May. The Bishop of the Diocese we are glad to hear has kindly consented to be present at this Meeting and to Address the Members. We shall hope for good weather and do our best to make all preparations to secure a very successful meeting.


THE MOTHERS' UNION. There will be no Special Meeting of the Branch during Lent and it is hoped that the Members will make every effort to attend the Wednesday Evening Services. Mrs. Heaton would be glad to receive any subscriptions to the Mary Summer Infant Welfare Home, which Members may like to give, as she is anxious to send the total collected at once.


FATHER CONRAN'S VISIT. - Many will be very grateful to Fr. Conran for coming to visit us at Buckley, and for his Addresses, which will have helped us much to start this Lent well. The message which he has given us is quite simple - that in these terrible times in which we are living God is calling us, and we must answer His call. What if the peace for which we are all so longing is delayed till the people turn to God. Then Fr. Conran impressed upon us the truth which we so often forget: that we are already 'come unto Mount Sion, and unto the City of the Living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels, to the general assembly and Church of the first-born, which are written in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant' [Hebrews xii., 22, 23]. And Fr. Conran showed us how we need to have our eyes open to see Jesus surrounded by the holy Angels and the Saints, and to feel that we have our fellowship with them here and now, when we come to worship in the Church, which is the place that God has given us to meet with Him, and where He dwells to be amongst us, as He did amongst the Jews in the Temple at Jerusalem. What we must do is to come to Church, and especially to the Holy Communion, that we may cry to God to save us in our necessity. We must all feel that this is just the Message we need at this time, and let us try to respond to it and persevere in pleading for our country, and there must follow a real revival of religion and God will bring good out of all the terrible suffering.


THE E.C.U. - A Meeting will be held in the Class Room of the Girls' School-room, on Thursday, 22nd March, at 7 p.m., at which the Vicar hopes to explain the Report of the Archbishops' Committee on Church and State. The Meeting will be open to all Church people. The matter has already been discussed by the Members of the C.E.M.S. and it is important that the women too should understand what are the proposals for the self-government of the Church, as they too will be represented on the Councils of the Church.


THE SHRINE. - It was announced in last month's Magazine that there remained a debt of 18/6. A kind and anonymous donor sent a cheque for the whole amount.

And the following subscriptions have also been received: - Mr. Wm. Newton, 5/- ; Mrs. Brown, 2/6; Mr. T. J. Messham, 2/6; Mrs. T. J. Messham, 2/6; Mrs. Simmons, 5/-; Mrs. Thomas Williams, 2/-; Mr Hayes Jones, 2/6; Mr. Cornelius Williams, 2/6. We have therefore £1 4s. 6d. in hand, and it is proposed, with the consent of the Subscribers, to put this towards the cost of erecting a War corner in the Church, where we can come and kneel down and say the Chaplet and pray for our Soldiers. This is the only place in the Church where it is possible to arrange such a corner. To put a nice little oak altar with all its fittings in this corner will cost some few pounds, so the Vicar will be glad to receive contributions towards it.



Church Road and Common. - Collectors: Mrs. Sam Catherall and Miss N. Thomas. 1/- each. Mrs. John Hewitt, Mrs. Jas. Kendrick, Mrs. Jos. Fennah, Mrs. John Wilcock, Mrs John Ellis, Mrs. Tom Parry, Mrs. John Griffiths, Mrs. H. Dyment, Mrs. Jacob Griffiths, Mrs. Geo. Williams, Mrs. Ed. Catherall, Mrs. Jas. Shone, Mrs. Jos. Catherall, Mrs. Hargreaves. Mrs. W. Dyment, Mrs.. Hewitt, Mrs. Chris. Roberts, Mrs. Sutton, Mr. William Shone, Mrs. Threadgold, Mrs. Geo. A. Roberts, Mrs. R. Williams, Mrs. Rowlands, Mrs. Belshaw, Mrs. Joe Wainwright, Mrs. Davison, Mrs. Chas. Dolby, Mrs. Reuben Dolby, Mrs. Ed. Messham, Mrs. George Davies, Mrs. Robert Lloyd, Mrs. Wm. Bellis, Mrs. Wm. Peters, Miss Lancy Shone, Mrs. Richard Peters; Mrs. John Peters, 2/-/ Total - £1 17s 0d.


Drury. - Collector: Miss Newton. 1/- each. - Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Beavan, Mrs. Wainwright, Mrs. J. Davies, Mrs. Aston, Mrs. Messham, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. J. Peters, Mrs. W. Davies, Mrs. S. Davies, Mrs. Thos. Moore.


Ewloe District. - Collector: Miss Tyson. 1/- each. - Mrs. R. Davies, Mrs. T. E. Jones, Mrs. Smallwood, Mrs. Wynne, Mrs. G. Griffiths.


Mountain. Collector: Mrs. Tyson. 1/- each. Mrs. Humphreys, Mrs. E. Jones, Mrs. W. Iball, Mrs. J. S. Shone, Mrs. G. Shone, Mrs. S. Stanley, Mrs. Charlotte Hughes, Mrs. J. Lewis, Mrs. J. Roberts, Mrs. H. Robins, Mrs. R. Hughes, Mrs. Ellis, Miss Ellis, Mrs. James Fox.


Alltami. Collector: Mrs. Usher. 1/- each. Mrs. W. Lamb. Mrs. J. Gray, Mrs. Jane Hughes, Mrs. D. Jones, Mrs. R. Kendrick, Mrs. T. Usher, Mrs. Edwin Usher, Mrs. Rachel Hayes, Mrs. Thos. Griffiths, Mrs. John Hughes, Mr. John Lewis, Mrs. Job Daniels, Mrs. S. Jones, Miss Peak, Mrs. ]ones, Mrs. G. Iball, Mrs. W. Hewitt, Mrs. David Hughes, Mrs. Robt. Williams, Mrs. Fred. Roberts, Mr. J. Arrowsmith, Mr. J. Powell, Mrs. C. Hughes.


Lane End [No. 1.] - Collector: Mrs. C. Aston. 1/- each. - Mrs. T. J. Lewis, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Millington, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Tom Davies, Mrs. Birkhill, Mrs. P. Lamb, Mrs. T. Lamb, Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. Proud, Mrs. Arthur Edwards, Mrs. H. Lamb, Mrs. Beckett, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Whitley, senr., Mrs. Whitley, Jnr.; Mrs. W. J. Collins, 3/-.


Brook Street. Collector: Mrs. G. Catherall. 1/- each. - Mrs. Noah Messahm, Mrs. A. Davies, Mrs. G. Catherall, Mrs. A. Peters, Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Higginson, Mrs. Rodgers, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Reville, Mrs. E. Griffiths Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Ernest Jones, Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. A. Messham, Mrs. J. Messham, Mrs. C. Beavan.


Lane End [No 2.] - Collector: Mrs. J. Tyson. 1/- each. - Mrs. R. Griffiths, Mrs. A. Hayes, Mrs. J. Anglesea, Mr. T. Williams.


Trap District. Collector; M. B. Owen. 2/- each. - Mrs. H. Griffiths, Mrs. Alf Tudor, Mrs. Geo. Dyment, Mrs. Chas. Wilcock, Mrs. S. Griffiths, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Antrobus, Mrs. Beavan, Mrs. Sam Jones, Miss Rowlands, Mrs. Hobson, Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. Robt. Thomas, Mrs. J. Kendrick, Mrs. Anne Jones, Mrs. Wm. Jones, Mrs. Rowlands, Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mrs. E. Bartlett; Miss M. Davies, 1/-; Mrs. J. Griffiths, 1/-; Mrs. J. Griffiths, 1/-; Mrs. Burns, 1/3.; Mrs. T. Roberts, 1/3.; Mrs. J. Tudor, 10d.; Mrs. W. Shone, 8d.; Mr. Dunn 4/-. Honorary Subscription Mrs. Parry, 10/-. Total - £2 16s. 0d. [to be continued]


This was the end of the text - ed.

Author: Buckley Parish Church


Year = 1917

Month = March

Building = Religious

Document = Journal

Extra = WW1

Extra = 1910s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society