12 June 1907
see 42.34,35, 53(for diagram)
DOCUMENT TEXT (N.B. whole of text reproduced below but only first page shown)
No. 13540
EDWARD V11,By the Grace of God
Of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India: To all to whom these presents shall come greeting:
WHEREASJohn Wilkinson Jones and William Owens, Painter, Washington House, Buckley, Chester and Collier, Meg's Lane, Buckley, Chester, respectively. Have declared they are in possession of an invention for An improved handle for spades, shovels, forks, picks and the like.
That they claim to be the true and first inventors thereof, and that the same is not in use by any other person to the best of their knowledge and belief:
AND WHEREAS the said inventors have humbly prayed that a patent might be granted to them for the sole use and advantage of their said invention:
AND WHEREAS the said inventors [herein-after together with their executors, administrators, and assigns, or any of them, referred to as the said patentees] have by and in their complete specification particularly described the nature of their invention:
AND WEREAS We, being willing to encourage all inventions which may be for the public good, are graciously pleased to condescend to their request:
KNOW YE, THEREFORE, that We, of our especial grace certain knowledge and mere motion do by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant unto them by themselves, their agents, or licensees, and no others, may at all times hereafter during the term of years herein mentioned, make use exercise, and vend the said invention within our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Isle of Man, in such manner as to them may seem meet, and that the said patentees shall have and enjoy the whole profit and advantage from time to time accruing by reason of the said invention, during the term of fourteen years from the date hereunder written of these presents: AND to the end that the said patentees may have and enjoy the sole use and exercise and the full benefit of the said invention, We do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, strictly command all our subjects whatsoever within our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isle of Man, that they do not at any time during the continuance of the said term of fourteen years either directly or indirectly make use of or put in practice the said invention, or any part of the same, nor in anywise imitate the same, nor make or cause to be made any addition whereto or subtraction therefrom, whereby to pretend themselves the inventors thereof, without the consent license or agreement of the said patentees in writing under their hands and seals, on pain of incurring such penalties as may be justly inflicted on such offenders for their contempt of this our Royal command, and of being answerable to the patentees according to law for their damages thereby occasioned:
PROVIDED ALWAYS that these letters patent shall be revocable on any of the grounds from time to time by law prescribed as grounds for revoking letters patent granted by Us and the same may be revoked and made void accordingly: PROVIDED ALSO, that if the said patentees shall not pay all fees by law required to be paid in respect of the grant of these letters patent, or in respect of any matter relating thereto at the time or times, and in manner for the time being by law provided: and also if the said patentees shall not supply or cause to be supplied, for our service all such articles of the said invention as may be required by the officers or commissioners administering any department of our service in such manner, at the times, and at and upon such reasonable prices and terms as shall be settled in manner for the privileges and advantages whatever hereby granted shall determine and become void notwithstanding anything therein-before contained: PROVIDED ALSO, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the granting of licenses in such manner and for such considerations as they may by law be granted: AND lastly, we do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, grant unto the said patentees that these our letters patent shall be construed in the most beneficial sense for the advantage of the said patentees.
IN WITNESS whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent and to be sealed as of the twelfth day of June one thousand nine hundred and seven.
C.N.DALTON Comptroller-General of Patents,
Designs. And Trade Marks.
No. 13,540A.D. 1907
Date of Application, 12th June, 1907
Complete Specification Left, 18th Sept., 1907 - Accepted, 27th Feb., 1908
We John Wilkinson Jones [Painter] Washington House Buckley Nr. Chester and William Owens Collier Meg's Lane Buckley do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows:-
The invention consists of weldless steel tubular handle for spades, shovels, forks, picks etc., it is riveted at bottom end with one, two, three or more rivets and secured to either straps or sockets. The casp or crutch is of tubular steel reinforced & brazed, its chief object being coolness, lightness & strength.
Dated this 22nd day of June 1907.
We, John Wilkinson Jones [Painter] Washington House Buckley Nr. Chester and William Owens [Collier] Meg's Lane Buckley do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement:-
This invention relates to improvements on that type of handles and crutches for spades, shovels, or the like, which are made of metallic tubing.
Our invention relates to certain constructional features in the method of attaching the crutch or casp to the handle.
The invention is illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which, Figs.1 and 2 show modifications of the invention.
The handle 1 attached to the socket 2 of the spade in any suitable manner, but preferably by riveting, is provided with an outer loop 3, Fig. 1., in which the casp or crutch 4 is fitted and brazed. The neck of the loop 3 is reinforced in any suitable manner as indicated at 5. Both the handle 1 and casp 4 are tubular so as to be light and cool when in use, and if desired, wooden end plugs 6 may be inserted to strengthen the ends of the casp.
In the modification shown in Fig. 2, a metallic strap or yoke 7 of smaller diameter encircles the ends of the casp at 8 and the handle top at 9, a reinforcement 5 of usual construction being again provided at the junction of the strap or yoke and the handle.
The handles are constructed throughout of weldless steel.
No. 13,540. - A.D. 1907.
Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of our said invention and in what manner the same is to be performed we declare that what we claim is:-
1.The improved handle for spades or the like substantially as described and shown in Fig. 1. of the accompanying drawings.
2.The improved handle for spades or the like substantially as described and shown in Fig. 2. of the accompanying drawings. Dated this 13th day of November 1907
a.For the applicants,
b.A.J.DAVIES. Patent Agent, 37 Moorfiields, Liverpool
Redhill: Printed for His Majesty's Stationary Office, by Love & Malcomson, Ltd - 1908.
Author: Patent Agent
Year = 1907
Month = June
Day = 12
Gender = Male
People = Couple
Work = Light Industry
Extra = 1900s
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