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Brunswick Road, Buckley

July 1970

Carey Davies was at this time the only dentist in Buckley.

Carey Davies had a treddle for drilling the teeth, which was of variable speed and never reached high speed. He used to say that the "treddle" leg (right) was good enough for football. "I could crack a football with this leg but the other one is no use."


His son, Haddon, took over the practice.


In the 114th Jubilee in 1970, the Roman Catholics took part for the first time. Around one hundred children from the Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary formed part of the church's group with Father Thomas Fitzharris. He is quoted as saying: " It has always been my ambition to be the first Catholic priest to walk in the Jubilee. I and the congregation of our church were very pleased to accept the invitation to take part in the Jubilee. In these times all denominations should get together for the good of Christianity." Their tableau depicted the Ten Commandments, which resulted in applause as it passed.


This was reported to be the largest turnout ever with 15 Sunday Schools taking part.

Author: Anon


Year = 1970

Month = July

Building = Commercial

Event = Religious

Gender = Mixed

Landscape = Urban

People = Crowd

Extra = 1970s

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