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Bistre Emmanuel Parish Church Magazine - p.14"

Bistre Emmanuel Parish Church, Mold Road, Buckley

March 1927

Bistre Parish Magazine Mar 1927



1.We would appeal to all those who once were obedient to the dying command of Our Lord and have become indifferent to resolve anew to be present at the Early Celebration of the Holy Communion this Lent.


2.We would press the need of a better attendance at Morning Prayer on Sundays.


The indifference in these respects has been a long standing reproach to the parishioners of Bistre. May the call of Lent have the desired effect in the removal of this reproach, and in the production of greater faithfulness and zeal in Masters Service.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parochial Tea -


This annual event was held at the Parish Room on Monday January 31st and proved an unqualified success. The attendance this year was a great improvement upon the former one, there being 200 present. The small tables placed around the room presented a very pleasing appearance. Tea was served at 7.


After tea, whilst the tables were being removed a short musical programme was given, and the rest of the evening was spent in dancing. The Rev W R John, and Mr W Davies apologized for the absence of the Vicar and Mrs Rees owing to the illness of the latter. Mr J Jones expressed the sympathy of the gathering with Mrs Rees and hoped that she would soon be restored to health. We offer our cordial and sincere thanks to all who helped with the tea and entertainment and to Mr Jones for his kind expression of sympathy. The event was deemed on all hands to be a thorough success and the Evening was greatly enjoyed. A nominal sum of 1/- was charged for admission to clear expenses. A Balance Sheet has been placed in the Church Porch showing a balance of £4.18.6d. This sum will be handed over to the Fete committee.





Author: Bistre Emmanuel Church


Year = 1927

Month = March

Building = Religious

Document = Journal

Extra = 1920s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society