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The salmon fisherman"

River Dee, Chester


This was my grandfather, Charles Davies, nicknamed "Chango". He used to fish for salmon on the River Dee in his boat, Anne of Chester. The boat was named after one of my cousins. Here he is mending his seine nets. The nets were hung on the "stakes" for drying and repair; these "stakes" were on the riverbank opposite County Hall. Some took root and are now large trees.


He had six children, but they rarely got to eat any of the salmon he caught because the fish had to be sold.

This photo has been included to further illustrate the importance of salmon fishing along the Dee. See James Bentley's picture number: 1.218.

Author: Shone, David


Year = 1960

Gender = Male

Landscape = Urban

People = Single

Work = Other

Extra = 1960s

Copyright © 2015 The Buckley Society