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Mr and Mrs Robert Edwards at Meadow House (The Lair)"

Brookhill Way, Buckley


These two people were my aunt and uncle who lived at Meadow House at the Willow. I used to go and watch their tv because they had what was then known as commercial television, which used to broadcast the cartoon "Popeye". I was about twelve.

They lived there most of their married lives. Mr Edwards was a turner at Graesser's Chemical Works at Sandycroft. I remember he used to return home with the smell of cutting oil on his overalls. It was quite a nice smell, a bit like disinfectant in fact.

He had two brothers. One called Thomas, the other called Herbert. Herbert had a little general shop at the Willow, run from the back room of the house. Mars Bars were 6d each, as were four-fingered Kit Kats. Two fingered Kit Kats were 3d. He also had a little wooden shop alongside Alltami Chapel, where the bus stop is now. Again this was a little general store.

Author: Hughes, Harry


Year = 1965

Gender = Mixed

Landscape = Private Garden

People = Couple

Extra = 1960s

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