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Bellringers' Peal Board "

Saint Matthew's Parish Church, Church Road, Buckley


The plaque is in the bell room and the photo was taken during the Company of Bell Ringers' Centenary open day on 27th July 2002.





On Saint Matthew's day September 21st

in 3 hours and 18 minutes at

The Parish Church

A Peal of Stedman Triples

5040 changes

Thurstan's 20 part. Tenor 14 1/2 cwt.

Herbert Jones - Treble John Usher - 5

Thomas J. Price - 2 ? ? Griffiths - 6

Harry Hughes - 3 William Short - 7

Herbert Hughes - 4 Reuben Dolby - Tenor

Conducted by William Short

First Peal of Steadman by the Band and

The first Peal in the Method on the Bells

Harry Drew, Vicar

Edwin Peers, Thomas Jones, Church Wardens


Author: Saint Matthews Parish Church


Year = 1904

Building = Religious

Event = Social/Entertainment

Extra = 1900s

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