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Bistre Emmanuel Parish Church Magazine - p.1."

Bistre Emmanuel Parish Church, Mold Road, Buckley

January 1902

See 6.59 for next page





Dec.26, Minnie, daughter of James and Elizabeth Prior



Dec 18th, Edward Hopwood, 75 years; 21st, Elizabeth Astbury, 8 months: Elizabeth Connah, 67 years.



Instead of at Midday on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of this and next month, Holy Communion will be administered in these Churches at 9.30 on those Sundays.



Owing to the amount of work we usually go through at these meetings, it has been found necessary to change the time from 7.30 to 7 p.m., to enable us to go home




The New Year has opened well for the Church in the Parish of Bistre. It is our privilege once more to announce to our readers a further offer of £200 by Miss Pemberton to the capital sum which forms the chief part of the endowment of the living. The offer is made, as before, on the condition that the Queen Anne's Bounty "Governors meet it with an equal sum." During the last three years, Miss Pemberton has given not far short of £800 for Church and School purposes in the Parish of Bistre. The question that would naturally occur to the thinking mind would be, "without Miss Pemberton's support and care what would become of Bistre Parish?"




Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, a considerable number of the Rev. T. Dale-Jones' friends and well-wishers were present at the school on the night Dec. 23rd, for the purpose of presenting him with a Gold Watch on his leaving the Parish for Clifton, Manchester. Major Gibson who presided, read a letter he had received from Mrs W.H. Roberts, of Tyddyn, who was to have made the presentation, saying she was sorry she could not be present owing to the state of her health. After some further remarks, the Chairman asked Mrs George, the Vicarage, to take Mrs Roberts' place. In handing to Mrs George the Watch with the receipt of Messrs. Russell, of Liverpool, he (the chairman), said that the receipt was for £17 - 10s.- 0d., while the inscription on the watch read as follows: "Presented to the Rev. T. Dale-Jones, by the Parishoners of Bistre, on his leaving after nearly four years."


Mrs George in making the presentation, said there was in all these things a tinge of sadness, and in this case the matter for regret was that the presentation heralded Mr Jones' departure from Bistre. It was sad to lose friends at any time, and she was sure that many there would miss his familair voice and footstep. At the same time she was glad to see such a display of good feeling towards him. It showed at once that they must like him, for people would never give their money to buy a testimonial for nothing, and she could assure him that he left Bistre with their sincere wishes for his happy future. That God might proser him in his new place, and every success attend him through life, was the sincere wish of them all.


The Chairman, as a small token of remembrance, presented Mr Jones with a copy of

"The Imitation of Christ, " which he had kept at his bedside for many years, a book, he said, which ought to be in the possession of every clergyman. The meeting was next addressed by the Vicar, who said that of all in the Parish of Bistre he must be the one that would feel Mr Jones' departure the most. To be fellow-workers must create a fellow-feeling, and he and Mr Jones had for nearly four years been labouring together in the same corner of the Vineyard, and not only doing the same kind of work, but often side by side with their shoulders under the same burden. On coming to Bistre four years ago, for they came there almost together, he found Mr Jones of one mind with him with regard to the seriousness of the work before them. From that day to this he had been the same, never varying in his estimation of the work he had to do. That was the trait in Mr Jones' character that he liked the most. The man that thinks highly of his work will do it with energy, and will do it well. Being earnest, he practised what he preached. But no one could say that the example of christian living which he set was difficult for anyone to follow, for no one was ready to take his share of any innocent amusement or pleasure that was going on, only these things were not allowed to interfere with duty or make his character suffer. They and himself (the vicar), ought to feel most grateful to Mr Jones for remaining in Bistre so long, for he could assure them that he had many opportunities of bettering his position by leaving Wales for England, only he would not take any advantage of them because he did not like to see the Parish in a difficulty. He would conclude his remakrs by expressing the hope that as Clifton was not so far away, they would see Mr Jones often in Bistre, and hear his familiar voice again from the pulpits of their Churches.


Mr O.E. Gittins said he thought there was no one who felt Mr Jones' departure more than himself, for he felt he was parting with a dear friend. But there was one thing that gave him a gleam of pleasure under this cloud, which was, that Mr Jones was taking with him the good wishes of everybody.

Author: Bistre Emmanuel Church


Year = 1902

Month = January

Building = Religious

Document = Journal

Extra = 1900s

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